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Monday, July 28, 2008

About Skin Cancer Prevention

In my family there were many cases of all types of cancer. And there were members of our family that had different types of cancer during there lives. Specially skin cancers. In the last period the sister of my husband that likes sun and beach very much had skin cancer too. So, I'm very attentive when I find something about it. Here I want to remember some rules about the behaviour to prevent skin cancer.

The very clear description you can find if you visit this page "Skin cancer" that was suggested by CCN.

The sister of my husband heard about vaccine to prevent skin cancer invented in Milano institute and asked me to find more information about it. So, for those that are interested in this information too I can say what we found here about it. This vaccine is only at the beginning and will be ready for use after years of research. So, don't think about it else. Think about prevention. And that skin cancer is curable. All skin cancer forms even those more grave. Say the sources I read and the story of my family too.
Most basal cell carcinomas can be prevented. To protect yourself:
Avoid the midday sun.
Use sunscreen year-round.
Wear protective clothing.
Be aware of sun-sensitizing medications. (!!!)
Perform regular skin checks.
Get enough vitamin D.
Read more on this page

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Method To Lose 4 Kg Every Month

Healthy meal... Junk food is linked to cancer...
Our obsession for healthy food becomes an illness, as for me. Psychological dependence. I read some time ago that the today society creates dependences practically on everything. Well, I'm not obsessed by healthy lifestyle and food but when I see or know how and where things we eat are made, I begin to think and to buy only the best I can allow me.

Now I read an interesting article telling about other problem of our food.

Statistic says that 6 from 10 persons add from 2 to 4 kg in summer.

To have just contrary situation we have to think about glucose in our blood. In other words we have to think about carbohydrates in our food. Ufff...

«обжора» на Яндекс.Фотках

So, this new method says: if we reduce the quantity of aliments with high quantity of carbohydrates, we will lose about 4 kg every month without any other diets or efforts. It will reinforce our cardiac system generally.

What to eat (in normal quantities):
fruits and vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, integral cereals

Not good:
refined cereals and potatoes

White bread (better rice and maize biscuits)
White sugar and industrial sweeties (good: honey, cane sugar, fructose)
Alcohol and CAFFEE (!) grow fat because create hepatic difficulties. Drink purifying drinks, tea, infusions and juices.
Sausages and milk foods (good: yogurt and goat milk)
Fried Foods

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gemstone Therapy For Everybody -Carnelian

Pls visit my new site "Mystic Gemstones" CLICK

You know that I have a new site about semiprecious gemstones now and have to learn many interesting things about them because I wanted this theme becomes the most important for many years for me.

So, I wanted to tell you about the interesting research risults about one of the stones I sell in my shop. It's about Carnelian.

I told you once my personal story that happend with carnelian. This stone helps to change the emotional state from "black" to "rose", they say. I read about it in the day when I had really "black" emotions because somebody offended me without any reason. I began to play with my carnelian beads: I looked at them and thought how a simple stone could change emotions. Those are mystical inventions for stupid persons that want to believe everybody. People like mystical stories and want to hear them.

Some minutes later my husband called me and I had to go in the other room and do something with him. Than I turned back , saw the beads and suddenly noticed that that "black" of my soul gone away... About an hour later I was happy and energic as a young girl.

Because I'm expert with these "demonstrations" of the power of the stones, I know that in that case the only thing that could influenced me were the beads of carnelian.

Well, you can believe or not belive my personal stories, but now I'll tell you about scientific research of vibrations and action of Carnelian. This stone is used for many years -till today- to heal little wounds and skin problems like furuncles and similar. They say that it has a very slow sort of radiation that heals these problems.

What you have to do? Take a stone of carnelian like that you see here on the photo in the necklace I sell. The best colour of the stone is red and it has to have white lines (really perfect that necklace to heal :))) Now warm the stone and put it on the wound or imperfection or swelling or similar. And take it for 3-5 minutes. Better is if you do it different times.

The best colour for headaches is orange. It has to have white lines too. But it works in any case. So you have to put the stones on the head ot on the eyes or on the acupuncture points.

Try it you too and tell me your story.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

To Kill Or Not To Kill? To Help Or Not To Help?

Yesterday I joined a discussion in one of the blogs. The post was about a film where a boy is transformed from a child in a killer with years.

So, we spoke about this trasformation generally and about help to others. I said: how is possible that all we, so beautiful, pure and innocent when young can become these terrible monsters and do all this to the world around us.

And than we told that very often we have to choose whom have we to help. And we help often those who don't need our help. And "provoke their bad karma". And as the result we do bad to them, not good.

In this contecst I remembered 2 learning stories. One is about the worm.

There were 2 monks very great friends. When they died, one became a god and other a worm. This second lived in a great pile of shit. The first wanted to help him and change his life. He took the friend and pulled him out, but the worm did everything possible to remain where it was, so that the friend could not do anything.

The other story told Lopon Tenzin Namdak. He said:
We know different stories about Great Yogies that killed somebody because they knew that in the next life this or that being will have a rebith in a higher realm. Have you ever heared a similar story about Buddha? Pay attention to it. Buddha never had killed anybody... Even if he knew about next lifes too.

Сталин 1945

So, have I to think about those who is far from me? About baby seals? About victims of Tsunami? About those who has not meal in Africa? About Tibetans? ecc ecc

Or are those only very good covered political and commercial games? So, as for example say about Green Peace. Or as they said bad about communists in Soviet Union, but my mother and father were REAL communist in the best sense of this word. And millions and millions did.

Are you sure that Stalin did what he did with REALLY BAD intentions? As far I know, he personally had nothing for him. Something for his family.