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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Useful to Prevent, Delay, or Treat Cancer -Lapacho

Lapacho, a herbal tea (the internal coat of rind of Lapacho tecome) you see on the photo, that comes from Argentina, is a very useful drink. Here what is written about it in Wikipedia:
It appears to have antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, and is used to treat minor skin injuries, such as insect bites, as well as for other conditions such as . Lapacho is used by herbalists as a putative treatment for cancer, HIV, candida and numerous other deseases. Studies by the U.S. National Cancer Institute showed that lapacho may prevent, delay, or treat cancer;
Чай Лапачо

My husband was in Argentina, and I asked him to buy Lapacho for me because they said me, it's very good for the digestive system. They say, Lapacho is good even to cure cancer of the digestive system. Than, they say, it's good for so many grave deseases like allergy, diabete, herpes. There are clinics in Brazile where they cure Leucemia with Lapacho. !!! Others are artrite, psoriasi, arteriosclerosis etc.

To make a liter of this tea, you need only 2 tea-spoons of rind. First, you have to boil it for 5 minutes, than, you have to wait for 15 minutes. Finally, you can drink it. They say, it's better if you drink it together with mate. So, I prepare this "glass" of mate (only some drops -but I don't know how to make it in the right way)  and 250 ml of Lapacho.

Well, it's the beginning of the treatment. After a month, I'll write you about the results.

Чай Мате

Friday, December 3, 2010

Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche's Health Update

Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche is a Teacher of many persons here in Europe and in Americas too. So, the notice about his bad state of health was shocking for many of us.
This day brings good notice: Doctors are optimistic.

I wanted to repeat this appeal
Rinpoche's Birthday coming

Soon it will be Rinpoche's birthday.
The Namkhai family thought to ask the people of the community to send small video messages to Rinpoche.
We will gather them and present to Rinpoche.
To send them you can use free services of Dropbox or Yousendit.
Send the file to
Please join this nice initiative!

The Webcast Team

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Live Webcast: Listen to Dalai Lama on November, 30

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will teach on Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo's "37 Practices of A Boddhisattva" from the main Tibetan temple in Dharamsala on November 30th, 2010 from approximately 9-11:30am Indian Standard Time. His Holiness will be teaching mainly in Tibetan with Russian, Chinese and English translations available. Webcast information at

For timings in your region 9:00am Indian Standard Time on November 30th is the same as 10:30pm November 29th Eastern Standard Time in New York, USA.
Watch English live webcast here.
Watch Russian live webcast here.
Watch Chinese live webcast here.
Watch Tibetan live webcast here.

Announced by Dalai Lama's Fan Page

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ayurvedic Breathing Exercises and Tips

Хатха -Йога Зимой
Breathing exercises are not difficult and it's possible to use them in any place that is why I like tOften they help to calm the mind, other times is necessary to use asanas, in some situations you need contemplation. In the most cases would be enough to control the mind. But because we are not able to do it normally, all these methods can help. Here some other advises I received today in a mail.
In these hectic times, especially as we approach the holidays, who couldn’t use an extra tool in their stress-relief kit – one that’s always accessible and free?meditation hi res.jpg The ancient sages from India recognized the breath as important for balancing and de-stressing one’s body, mind and spirit. Below are Ayurvedic breathing tips from Dr. Virender Sodhi, Ayurvedic MD, Naturopathic Physician and co-founder of R-U-VED , manufacturer of Ayurvedic herbs based in Redmond, WA.

Considered the “healing side of yoga,” Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old healing science from India that provides a natural, balanced approach to optimal health according to each individual’s natural constitution, or “dosha.”

Ayurvedic Breathing Exercises:

Vata balancing –for those of the Vata dosha or during fall

(Vata’s can be anxious and absentminded and experience flatulence and constipation.)
1. Inhale through your nose, filling your lungs to full capacity
2. Hold the breath for three seconds, followed by a slow mouth exhale
3. Repeat this exercise 16 times, twice a day

Kapha balancing –for those of the Kapha dosha or during spring

(Kapha’s may feel sluggish, often experience respiratory conditions and gain weight easily.)
1. Bring your chin towards your chest and inhale deeply through your nose
2. Extend your head back and exhale through your mouth
3. Repeat this exercise 16 times, twice a day

Pitta balancing – for those of the Pitta dosha, or during summer

(Pitta's tend to run warm, get easily irritated and impatient and experience heated digestion.)

1. Open your mouth to form an “O” shape. With your mouth in this position, form a funnel with your tongue and place it between your lips*
3. Slowly inhale through your tongue and feel the breath reach your heart
4. Relax the tongue and mouth, and then exhale through your mouth
5. Repeat this exercise 16 times, twice a day
* If you cannot form a funnel, bring your teeth together and inhale through your teeth instead

Tridosha balancing – ideal for all doshas, any time of the year

1. Turn your head to the left and slowly inhale through your nose, filling your lungs to full capacity
2. Turn your head to the right and exhale through your mouth, repeat 16 times
3. Repeat the process starting with your head to the right another 16 times
4. Repeat this exercise twice a day
For more details on “doshas” and Ayurveda click here.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Boost Your Health this Thanksgiving

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This article seems to me interesting  (from a mail):

Don’t be fooled by their size. Cranberries are the ultimate super fruit packed with nutrients and antioxidants. From combating urinary tract infections to promoting gastrointestinal (digestive) health, the lists of health benefits are endless. Make sure you don’t pass on the cranberries this Thanksgiving and enjoy cranberries as a juice or cocktail, in pie, jam or sauce. In addition to cranberries, life insurance quotes are another great way to add security to your healthy lifestyle. Practitioner Dr. Helen Lee shares how cranberries can boost your health this Thanksgiving.

·         Urinary Tract Health: Studies in 1994 showed that women who drank cranberry juice were less likely to develop urinary tract infections. At the Experimental Biology conference in 2002 a study showed that 8-oz of cranberry juice cocktail prevented E. Coli from adhering to the wall of the bladder. Cranberries contain a structurally unique form of proanthocyanidins which prevent bacteria such as E. Coli from adhering to the urinary tract and thus can be released through the urine.

·         Antioxidants: Antioxidants are compounds in the body which have the ability to stabilize free radicals which cause cellular damage, increased degeneration/aging/disease, as well as increase risk of cancer. A study published in the November 19, 2001 edition of the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry showed cranberries to contain more antioxidant phenols than 19 other common fruits & vegetables.

·         Gastrointestinal Health: Cranberry has been found to inhibit some food-bourne bacteria from attaching to the mucosal lining of the digestive tract.  A study in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition also showed that cranberry juice prevents the common bacteria responsible for many stomach ulcers, Helicobacter pylori, from adhering to the gastric wall.

·         Cholesterol Health: A study in British Journal of Nutrition showed 8% increase in HDL (“good”) levels of 30 overweight men with slightly elevated LDL.  Increased levels of HDL has been shown to decrease risk of heart/cardiovascular disease.

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Month

Here you will read some advises I found interesting.They are from one of the mails I receive so numerous in the last period. I want to repeate: Be careful with these advises, I personally can't prove them. I only find them interesting. That's all.

The other warning: even if they speak too much good about green tea, it's not so foolproof as some persons want to make us believe. Pls, use moderation if you want to begin to cure yourself with it and read this my post: 10 Things to Know about Green Tea. It's very important! Read it, this post, before you begin the cure!

November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Month, bringing attention to the 5.3 million Americans who are affected by this disease. With the baby boomer generation rapidly aging, Alzheimer’s will continue to affect millions more lives. Green Tea has a popular reputation for its health benefits and is known for benefiting conditions such as cancer, high cholesterol and cardiovascular problems.

Green tea has once again proved itself as a ‘super’ tea. An antioxidant in green tea (a flavonoid found in plants) may fight the memory robbing effects seen with plaque deposits in Alzheimer’s. Practitioner Dr. Martha Howard, MD recommends drinking green tea to help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s for the following three reasons.

1.The antioxidant known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) significantly reduces the formation of beta-amyloid proteins in the brain. An abnormal buildup of beta-amyloid plaque in the brain is implicated in the nerve damage and memory loss seen in Alzheimer’s disease.

2.Tea inhibits the activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) which breaks down the chemical messenger or neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Alzheimer’s is characterized by a drop in acetylcholine.

3.Green tea hinders the activity of the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE). Green tea has Catechins in which half is made up of EGCG, which is 20 times more powerful than vitamin C as an antioxidant.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

General Picture of the Obesity in USA in 2010

As you know, I like to publish interesting articles other bloggers send me. This mail I received just a moment ago. I opened the page and was astonished. It's really a great job made by Megan that I wanted absolutely present to you.
Hi Liudmila,
I just visited your site ( I think you've done a great job with it!
My name is Megan and I run a health and fitness blog at

I recently created an infographic about obesity statistics (some of them will surprise you… seriously) on my blog that I thought your readers might like:


Sunday, October 17, 2010

6 Reasons of Overweight (Researchers Say)

Excessive weight is the problem of many persons today.This time I don't speak about my personal feelings of the non more slender body but about the results of different scentific researches. Here are they in some words.

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1 -First of all, lack of Vit. D is one of the main reasons.
Wait! Wait! Dont run in the pharmacy! Vitamin supplements do not help. To absorb it, our body needs exposure to ultraviolet radiation -to the sun rays in other words. And the body in this case (lack of Vit.D) becomes flabby and flaccid.

2 -What you eat in the moorning (till 12:00), your body uses for life necessities. If you have a good breakfast, your organizm does not need other calories for 5-6 hours.

3 -Don't hurry! It's the most sure way to remain without beautiful waist. When you eat in passing, you accumulate 2-3 times more calories than you need a day because you do not notice how much you eat.

4 -Live without credits. They are very high stress producing factor. You work much, have not time for normal relax, the awareness to have credits is just stressful itself -and your mind finds confort in chocolates, bisquits etc.

5 -married men have not stimuli to run and to be attractive, they eat regularly and good -and become similar to the arctic seals after some years of married life.

6 -Did you know that 0,5l of orangeade contains quantity of sugar equal to 6 tea-spoons? You can absorb 2000 kal ONLY with drinks (milk, fermented milk etc included), researchers say. The best are normal water (mineral water contains salts keeping it in the body), herbal infusions and green tea.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Healthy from the Morning

After  week thaat I began to do my yoga exericses (pls read my previous post) I can be satisfyed with my results. First of all I have less neck- and back- pains. They were very disturbing and I just could not move from the aches I had. Second (and the fiirst by the degree of satisfaction) is that the cuscion of the fat on the belly seems to be more little. Well, it was promised by havasana. :-)

Now, if you begin to do asanas, you have to notice that mornings are the hours when it's difficult to reach the same resullts than you have in the daytime. It's normal, don't be afraid. Knowing it, we do not try to break our body. Here I found the video where there are asanas to do in the morning. But before you watch it I tell you an interesting fact about the morning state of any person.

Did you know that we are 1,6 cm longer in the morning?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How I Do Asanas

What has to happen in the world to make me do asanas? Do you know it? Neither I don't know. But the last days when I was completely unable to live and the incredible increase of the weight carried me to begin to make so loved exercises.

You will not believe but I love to do asanas. If I would have more time, I would surely do them every day. Here are some of my preferite



And finally halasana

I have to confess you, I feel much more alive after I do my asanas. From other side, they say, the "upside down" positions are very useful and good for health generally. Specially for those who, like me, sits all days long. And, they are good to turn back to original state of our bodies. :0)))

By the way, if you do practices, try do some preferite asanas before you begin the practice. The mind finds the necessary state easliy and fast.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Dalai Lama Crying when Teaching Bodhicitta

This video is very beautiful. I was really delighted to watch it. And the teachind is very nice too. I wrote the text you can see in English there to read it more easily. So, you can enjoy it too. direct our mind towards them, this shows we have great merit. For the Lama it's fortunate to have this opportunity to teach about Bodhicitta. For you, the desciples, also this occasion for bodhicitta the altruistic mind cherishing others over oneself you are fortunate to hear the teaching on it. Whoever generates this altruistic intention will find themselves setting out on the path to true happiness. We all want happiness and don't want suffering. Right? If you wish for real peace and harmony there is nothing more one could ask for than reflecting on bodhicitta.

Usually, I do believe and even say that, as recited in Lama Choepa: You are the Guru, the Personal Deity, the Angel, the Dharma Protector, as I do not seek any refuge other than you from now until my enlightenment please hook me with your compassion in this life, in the interim state, and throughout future lives. Relieve me from the fears of existance and peace, grant me all feats, befriend me forever, and avert all obstacles.

It is bodhicitta, this good heart, which is all these.It helps us in this life and in the in-between state.Also if one is able to maintain this altruistic mind at the time of dieing it is absolutely certain that the next life will be good. Why?
A bad rebirth is due to the negative actions and these are purified by the altruistic intention. An excellent higher form of rebirth has to come about through merit and there is nothing greater than the altruistic intention to gain merit.

Please hook me with your compassion in this life, in the interim state, and throughout future lives. This delivers us from our existence in samsara. How? We are tossed around in samsara by our ego-clinging wich destroys ourselves and others. Since the intelligent Bodhisattvas are able to see it how would they ever appreciate ego-clinging at all? How would they ego-clinging overpower them? Therefore bodhicitta helps us to get out of samsara. Although bodhicitta is not cultivated just for nirvana, it happens as a natural side-effect of this practice. It is only bodhicitta wich can release us from the one-sided peace of nirvana. No other path can do it.

Regarding "grant all blessings" bodhicitta fulfills all our goals in this life and in the next, temporary and ultimate. Even for our ordinary needs like sleep, cultivate the altruistic mind and you will be happy.
When you are happy, you will be helthier and you will sleep more peacefully, and your food will taste better, everybody will be friends with you, even birds and animals. How happy! You will live longer. You may not age permanently or die untimely death.

If you could think bodhicitta, this good heart, though you are young, you will be in harmony with everybody. In middle age you will not be troublesome but helpful to all. If you have been practicing bodhicitta than even when you become old, you will be calm and peaceful. Otherwise, if you become one of those elderly people who always make a nuisance, your own children will complain. Worse still, the children might think, "How awful! These oldies haven't died yet!" Even children, if they are kindhearted, receive more presents! Children who are always fighting, or are cruel lose out. They get no presents and nobody will take care of them.

If you are kind, you will be happy in childhood, middle and old age. You will be happy in this life and in future lives.
A kind heart is an offering to please the Buddha. Develop it so that all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are delighted. Right? And our kind heart will be our friend forever, as we pray in Lama Choepa: plese be my friend forever. It is kindness which can avert the obstacles. I talked about it before.

So far, I haven't met people trying to harm me. If they did come to me, I am not sure if I can react with bodhicitta. However when I'm relaxed, I do think, "Who are my enemies? Where are they? I feel sorry for them." All beings are our "friends". We should not exclude enemies, beings who hinder us or evil beings. (from my blog "Yungdrung Bon Blog")

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My New Diet: Apple Cider Vinegar

If you are not tiered to listen about my attempts to turn back to the normal weight, read about the next experience I began with me.

The problem is that I continue to add kilos despite all my entations to remain at least where I reached this time. I know that I don't make movements since I stay all days long for the PC and never go out at feet. If we go out, we use the car. You can't go some km-s till the next shop and to turn back with the full bag than. Well, you CAN do it, but there are so many tasks to do that it's practically unpossible. (It's my justification of my sedentary live).

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From other side, I eat too much (in confront to the movements I do) and I like fat and sweeties. And there is the matter, I know. But I'm not able not to eat.

But the weight becomes higher and higher from day to day and the bones do not support it more.

Two days ago I read about the apple cider vinegar. They say, it's possible to become more slim if you drink it before you eat. 1 spoonful of vinegar in 1 glass of water. At least in the morning and than before you go in bed.

I began to do it. It's the 3-d day today.
The first and the best result: I don't have the insatiable desire to eat sweeties. This one is my greatest problem. I HAVE to gulp down sugar. And not simple sweeties. Chocolate, ice-creams 'something like this. "Heavy" enough. Yesterday, the second day of my diet, I did not want to eat the second Lindt bon-bon! I could not believe my eyes! I adore these chocolates. It's great, guys! It's the best thing I could imagine to have from the diet.
I tryed once with special aliments that have to fill the stomach once they enter it. But it was something terrible.
But I have a problem with my new diet. When I drink vinegar before I go to bed, I feel giddy. And I have special taste in the mouth in the morning. Probably, I have to drink it only before I eat.
Now, I read some articles about apple cider vinegar.

They tell about the effect I just had: the persons renounce on sweeties when drink vinegar. But the quantity I use is probably too high. They speak about 2 tea-spoons with 250 ml of water. I take 1 soup-spoon with 200 ml. Than, the significant results you will notice after 2-3 months (well, it's not bad because it's normal for weight loose, I think). The vinegar you can find in the shops is in the most cases not natural but made with essence that is bad for the health. It's better to make it at home. You can add honey to the vinegar you drink. You have drink it with attention to not touch the teeth. As a tonic you can drink it once a day, to loose weight 3 times a day after the meals.

Вино из антоновки! Ретро!
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Well, I did not understand about the meals. Before or After?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

An Apple a Day

This article is from those I began to receive in the last period by mail. I like it and think it can be interesting for you too, so I decided to post it here.

Мои слёзы.
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As it turns out, an apple a day will keep the doctor away. Apples are a quintessential food for health that are low in fat, calories and are an enzyme rich energy food that helps break down and digest other foods. Practitioner Dr. Melody Hart, ND, PhD suggests buying organic, un-waxed apples that are not treated with fungicides or pesticides and shares how nutrient-rich apples have been found to help fight the following diseases:
1.      Bone Protection: French researchers found that a flavanoid called phloridzin that is found only in apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density. Boron, another ingredient in apples, also strengthens bones.
2.      Asthma Help: One recent study shows that children with asthma who drank apple juice on a daily basis suffered from less wheezing than children who drank apple juice only once per month. Another study showed that children born to women who eat a lot of apples during pregnancy have lower rates of asthma than children whose mothers ate few apples.
3.      Alzheimer's Prevention: A study on mice at Cornell University found that the quercetin in apples may protect brain cells from the kind of free radical damage that may lead to Alzheimer's disease.
4.      Lower Cholesterol: The pectin in apples lowers LDL ("bad") cholesterol. People who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.
5.      Lung Cancer Prevention: According to a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer. Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin in apples.
6.      Breast Cancer Prevention: A Cornell University study found that rats that ate one apple per day reduced their risk of breast cancer by 17 percent. Rats that were fed three apples per day reduced their risk by 39 percent and those fed six apples per day reduced their risk by 44 percent.
7.      Colon Cancer Prevention: One study found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 43 percent lower risk of colon cancer. Other research shows that the pectin in apples reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.
8.      Liver Cancer Prevention: Research found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer.
9.      Diabetes Management: The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the body's need for insulin and may help in the management of diabetes.
10.  Weight Loss: A Brazilian study found that women who ate three apples or pears per day lost more weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.
Apple Nutrition Facts
(One medium 2-1/2 inch apple, fresh, raw, with skin)
Calories 81
Carbohydrate 21 grams
Dietary Fiber 4 grams
Soluble Fiber
Insoluble fiber
Calcium 10 mg
Phosphorus 10 mg
Iron .25 mg
Sodium 0.00 mg
Potassium 159 mg
Vitamin C 8 mg
Vitamin A 73 IU
Folate 4 mcg
*The nutritional value of apples will vary slightly depending on the variety and size.

For more information go to

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Colourtherapy for Future Mum

I don't know why I do not believe in colourtherapy and that is why I rarely write about it. This time, reading about the news in the alternative medicine, I found an interesting article describing a test how you can control your state of soul and correct it with the colourtherapy. It seemed interesting enough and I decided to tell you about it.

First of all, some words about the history of my (low) curiosity towards this branch of the alternative medicine.

One of the teachers of the school I worked in took from the cources for teachers a test where it was possible to understand the psychological state of a pupil and to have the possibility to correct it observing the colors he prefers. We all (teachers) played this new game, and it was about choosing colors you like in different situations.

In the last years I heard much about the colourtherapy: many vendors sell furnitures and bathes that will heal you while you observe the color. Well, can it be real that you heal the deseases (psychological mostly) you pumpered for years taking bath in the water colored with lamps of different colors? As a support of your meditation to clean 5 elements -maybe. I don't know.

Now, the article I read tells you can govern a person changing his/ her feeling, energy level, working capacities etc. observing colors. It is very important for future mum that is responsable for the health of her future child. If you can create positive feelings in your soul, your body produces positive hormonal changes that make positive changes in the baby.

So, what can you do.

1 -paint an image using color pencils or what you have. Any image. Your future child, something abstract, a flower -anything.

If you are interested -do it now and read the post only after you finished your artwork.

_Мандала детская
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Now, when you finished, observe your painting and notice what is/ are the dominating color/s
Red is for very lively and courageous persons. But they are egoists too.
Yellow is for independent and explorers but sometimes they are irresponsible
Green is for the women that feel pregnancy as an illness. The child can feel himself left by his mother and needs her great love.
Orange is for those "red-yellow". They can be happy but begin to cry one moment later.
Azure is for those who like freedom and changes.
Rose like those calm and womanly
Lilac is for those who lives inside own internal world.
All these last 3 are fragile, week and shy.
Blue is for women that need relax. Children are steady, like to read, to speak about phylosophy and even can be ready to sacrifice themselves to a case. They do more than they take.
Violet is for sensitive, artistic persons. They need a loved one near them to tell them about their feelings.
Sea-wave (green-blue) for exhaustion. They are afraid to make an error, to leave something, to listen critics.
Grey is very bad for a future mum. They do not see anything good in the life and in the future. They feel themself isolated, morally tired. Children are silent, shy and solitary.
Brown is for those mums that feel discomfort.
Black is very rare in pregnant women. Most of them use it in the first part of the pregnancy when they are afraid of the changes or are very stressed. Children have very difficult characters.

It's a game, my dears, don't take it too seriously. But...

Friday, September 17, 2010

How do you see Youself in a mirror?

Interesting results published Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. They studied how people see themselves in mirrors. They discovered that we can't value lengh and width of the parts of our body properly. Specially it's right about women. Women see themselves wider in the mirrors.

"Women's brains ‘massively distort’ their own body image, creating a shorter figure which can be two-thirds wider than in real life" Read more: Daily Mail

So, I understood finally the matter why I don't like
so much my image in the mirror and will never look in it more!

Лики бегали - в зеркале...

An other article from the same site tells that men suffer more conflicts in their relationships than women. It's because their woman is often their only near person when women normally have great affection towards other persons like relatives, friends, too. So, dear women, we have to pumper our men more, and do not provoke "prophylactic" rows too often.

Finally, the last notice that made me smile was about New Zeland's pharmaceutists that sell synthetic urine with heating and special tubes to imitate the process if you have do it under control. All this you can need if you like alcohol or drugs but try to find job. (source)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Many years I worked as a teacher in secondary schools and had seen different psychological disorders in my pupils's behaviour but this kind of disorder (mentioned in the title) was never something significant even in those children that had problems in school.

It become a problem when I came to live with my husband and noticed that the persons are not able to concentrate attention for relatively long time here. First I thought, it's because I do not speak their language good enough, and it's difficult for them to follow my thoughts; than I noticed it's not about me but they have the same behaviour in other situations too. The only theme they follow with great attention is when they buzz about persons they know.
It is not about hyperactivity. It is about education.

When a person is educated to learn with perseverance, to listen attentively to the instructions of the parents/ teachers, to have patience and to repeat the action if failed the first time from the childhood, the problem of Attention Deficit does not exist as an illness. It can happen but it is not a mankind desease as is prersented in the articles I read.

Now, these articles open a discussion that it's an illness and you have to go to a psychologists to cure yourself or your children with the medicines.

Do you know that our skin preserves traces of all the detergents, medicines etc we use that there are creations that die only by contact with our skin?
Maybe we have to think a little before we add a new (unnecessary) medicines to the cocktail of the poisons we use in everyday life?

Friday, August 20, 2010

10 Things to Know about Green Tea

After so many scientific articles I published here in the last period, finally someting not so serious. But not less important because green tea I want to write about today, is a drink we use every day of our lives.

Among all the types of green tea I prefere those with jasmin that generally comes from China. Yesterday I knew about the very special green tea that comes from Japan. I was surprized, I did not imagine that the tea can grow in Japan too.
It was a precious medicine first, untill they learnd to grow these plants in great quantities. Even Japanese architectural style was influenced by tea culture!

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Green Tea helps if you have rheumatism, if you are tired and if you have problems with the eyes.
But one writes it's bracing, other writes it's calming. Where is the truth?

Here are some rules you have to know to drink good and healthy tea.

1- it's good to drink tea at leasst 1 hour after meals.
2- never drink tea 15 minutes after it was made.
3- if you drink it 2 min after, it is bracing
4- if you drink it 5 minutes after, it is calming
5- if you take it with milk or honey, it becomes calming but you have to pour tea in milk and not contrary. 1 part milk and 2 parts tea. It's diuretic, so avoid to drink it in the evening.
6- the best grean tea consists from big leaves.
7- avoid tea if you have cardiovascular deseases
8- avoid tea with ginseng if you have tumours and if you are a woman after 50
9- great quantities of grean tea can cause liver and kidney problems
10-if you have low blood pressure or different digestion problems, it's better to avoid grean tea too.

Green Tea is excellent drink if you make it light enough and take not more than 2 cups a day.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Causes Calcium Supplements Heart Attacks

:-))) This is an other article from those I become recently in great quantity. It seems to me, I have just to ask they pay me for advertising. But I like to read about researches and hope you do too.

A recent study on calcium supplements claims that taking calcium supplements causes a 30% increase in heart attacks. Practitioner Martha Howard, MD believes there are some serious problems with the study, a meta-analysis by Professor Ian Reid from the Department of Medicine at the University of Auckland, and published in the British Medical Journal.

A prominent researcher on calcium metabolism Professor Chris Nordin, of Royal Adelaide Hospital, has already questioned the findings. He says that the review is misleading because it does not separate men from women in the findings. According to him “Men are much more liable to heart attacks than women, but women need calcium far more than men, so it is absurd to publish a study of the effect of calcium on the heart without separating men from women.” Practitioner Dr. Martha Howard, MD, offers the following:

* Objections to the Study:
o We have no way of knowing how accurate the original 11 studies were because there are a lot of hazards in the kind of statistical number-crunching involved in a meta-analysis. Worst case scenario is a meta-analysis of 11 studies is conducted, all of which are flawed in their methods or have doubtful data or conclusions, and a larger conclusion may be reached.

o We do know that in the studies, the calcium was treated as an “independent variable” so magnesium and Vitamin D were not given. Magnesium is needed to balance calcium intake. Vitamin D is needed for proper calcium metabolism.
o Carrying out studies that do not provide the other vitamins and minerals needed could have some very poor results. It is possible that calcium supplements, specifically when given without magnesium and Vitamin D, do cause additional calcium deposits in the arteries. This may lead to more heart attacks, but the meta-analysis is not sufficient evidence to tell.

* Recommendations:

· Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D supplementation is especially important for premenopausal and postmenopausal women. The current recommendation for premenopausal and postmenopausal women is from 1000 to 1500 mg of calcium per day.

· Given that most people do get some calcium in their diet, 500 mg of calcium with 250 mg magnesium and 400 IU of Vitamin D (taken all together) is probably enough supplementation, unless the person is allergic to dairy.

· Vitamin D is very important to bone health. There are many people walking around with Vitamin D deficiency in the United States—not enough sun exposure, and not enough Vitamin D in their diets. In addition to osteoporosis, Vitamin D deficiency also is a factor in Alzheimer’s disease. Get your Vitamin D level taken, and if it is low, take 2000 IU or more per day until your level is normal.

· Take the Vitamin D orally, do not accept high dose injections—they have been associated with atypical bone fractures.

For more information go to

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Study About Prostate Cancer

This is another notice about cancer research progresses.
Because I become too sensitive to this theme and want to help how I can to make this world free from this suffering, I published just some articles about the researches.
I understand that those who sends me these articles want only publicize books or articles to sell them. So, I think I have to give you the notice. But I am not able to control it. Be

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, and 1 in 6 will get prostate cancer during his lifetime

Since this disease affects so many lives I think your readers will be interested in reading about a recent Columbia University study on a natural compound shown to kill prostate cancer.

The study reported that this natural formula, consisting of vitamins, minerals, multi-herb extracts, and medicinal mushrooms, inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis (programmed cell death) in both hormone-sensitive and hormone-resistant prostate cancer cells. This is extremely important news for men suffering from hormone resistant prostate cancer, as this aggressive form currently has limited treatment options and a high mortality rate. It is equally hopeful for men suffering from the less aggressive forms of prostate cancer because the compound can be used safely in conjunction with conventional treatments.

You can read the press release here. Please also visit for more information.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

How To Choose the Gender of the Baby

You know very well how it is easy to understand which will be the gender of the furture reptiles: it'sa the question of the temperature of the environment. Did you know that the gender of the human beings is the question of the conditions of the environment too?

I've just heard about this years ago but never thought about it seriously. My friends told me, it's necessary to eat this or that set of aliments to have a boy o a girl. The other source said, it dipends on quantities of K or Ca in the organism.

Иван 5 месяцев

Here is the other point of view:
the speed that the male/female sperm travel at. With male travelling faster, if you want a boy, you should have sex around 12 hours before ovulation. If you want a girl, then you should have sex a few days before ovulation. (Source)

Interesting is that different cultures have their methods to concept males or females. The positions, the food (including potions) and the side of the Moon (have you ever heard about the Chinese conception calendar?) are those most in use. But some are innovative enough:

The PH level of your body can influence the gender of your baby at conception. You must know when you will ovulate, then you can plan the right time to have sex. Learn about sperm! Sounds strange? but altogether fascinating stuff! (Source)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Facts about Asthma -Myths of Asthma

Well, I've just told you about this: I began to become articles about health by mail. I just published some of them in this blog because I think, they can be interesting for all you too. This is the only reason. I can't prove if it is truth or not. I ask you, if you know, it's something not proper to write me about it. I'll cancell the article.

· The Myth: There aren’t that many people with asthma; it’s just a bunch of media hype.

· The Facts:

· In the 1990s, more than 7.1 million people visited physicians for asthma conditions and more than 3,300 people died from asthma during this time. [i]

· Today, an estimated 34.1 million adults and 9 million children, under the age of 18, suffer from lifetime asthma in the United States. [ii]

· According to the American Lung Association, over 500,000 people are hospitalized each year, and there are more than 5,500 asthma related deaths annually.

· The Myth: Asthma is all in your head—get counseling and get over it.

· The Facts:

· There are two types of asthma.[iii]

o Allergic (extrinsic) Asthma is triggered by an allergic reaction to an inhaled substance such as dust, pollen, mold, chemicals, animals, etc. 90 percent of asthma cases are caused by extrinsic asthma.

o Non-allergic (intrinsic) Asthma is triggered by factors not related to allergies such as exercise, anxiety, depression, cold air or dry air, etc. The symptoms of both are the same—coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and chest tightness.

· Either type of asthma can be life threatening. It is unlikely that psychotherapy will correct asthma triggered by an allergen or cold air.

· The Myth: If you relax and don’t over-react every time you feel shortness of breath, then you won’t have an asthma attack.

· The Facts:

· For many people afflicted with asthma, it can feel similar to drowning. The smooth muscles around bronchial tubes tighten up and become inflamed, thus causing a further narrowing of the tubes. At the same time, the lungs produce excess mucus, filling up the narrowed spaces where air should be flowing. In turn, oxygen levels decrease in the blood.[iv] This indicates a biological reaction that isn’t allowing proper breathing and oxygenation in the body.

· The Myth: If we didn’t coddle our children, there would be less asthma.

· The Facts:

Some people are born with a predisposition toward developing asthma. However, what actually triggers the disease can vary from person to person. Common triggers include:

· Tobacco and smoke

o Studies show that children whose parents smoke are twice as likely to develop asthma as children of nonsmoking parents. Also, children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy tend to be born with smaller airways, which greatly increase their chances of developing the disease.

· Air pollution

· Pollen

· Allergens from animals and insects

· Abrupt weather changes

· Biological contaminants such as mold, and viral infections.

· Prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications such as blood pressure drugs, aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen are all known asthma triggers.[v]

· The Myth: The proper way to treat asthma is through medication and immunotherapy (desensitization shots).

· The Facts:

· Asthma doesn’t have to severely limit one’s life. During an acute severe asthma attack, inhalers or a trip to the emergency room may be appropriate, but there are steps to take that can prevent asthma and avoid asthma attacks.

· Natural Solutions to Asthma and Breathing Problems include:

o Don’t smoke and stay away from those who do

o Keep home humidity levels between 30 to 50 percent. High humidity levels can promote the growth of mold which can trigger allergic (extrinsic) asthma.

o Install high-efficiency furnace filters and replace them monthly. If using electrostatic furnace filters, clean them monthly,

o Although it’s impossible to keep a house free from mold, dust, dust mites, fungus and dirt, use allergen-proof mattress covers and pillowcases to help minimize allergens.

o Use a high-efficiency vacuum cleaner and empty its contents outside.

o Keep pets out of the bedrooms of family members with asthma.

o Clean the drapes often.

o Be aware of your reactions to foods. The most common asthma triggering foods are grains, dairy, corn, soy and various flours.

o Find out about AAT, Advanced Allergy Therapeutics, and get yourself on the road to recovery.

* The Biggest Myth: You will always have to avoid your asthma triggers for the rest of your life
* The Facts:
o No one can guarantee that any allergy treatment will work, but there is a way to treat the symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities that trigger asthma by reducing the biological stress caused by the offending substances. This reduces asthma episodes and allows a person with asthma to lead a more normal lifestyle.
o Advanced Allergy Therapeutics, AAT, retrains the body so that it no longer reacts inappropriately when in contact with an offending allergen.[vi] The AAT treatments do not rely on the use of needles, medications, homeopathy, herbal remedies or supplements.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How to Celebrate the "First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma"

If you follow the Teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni, the day of July 15 is a great possibility for you to practice. In fact, on this day Buddha began to teach his disciples, and this first Teachings about the 4 Noble Truths are called the First Wheel of Dharma. So, "to turn the first wheel of Dharma" meens "to teach the 4 Noble Truths".

To teach is the most powerful action among all the possibilities of Buddha because it creates the seeds for next liberation of the person and it's the most efficient action to help the suffering beings to emmerge from their condition.

All the practices and actions to accumulate merits are good this day and the purification practices too (Vajrasattva mantra on the sidebar of this blog). But normally they read texts about thw 12 actions of Buddha.

Read more

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Alzheimer’s Disease and Natural Botanical Formulations

Alzheimer’s Disease is surely the sword of Damocles everybody of us is afraid of. I follow the messages telling what researchers do to save us from it and received this summary today. Hope it will be interesting to you too.
New research into Alzheimer’s disease shows promising results using natural botanical formulations to prevent the build up of beta-amyloid plaque in the brain. It’s long been noted that people in India have a lower incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. One factor contributing to this may be the consumption of large quantities of the spice turmeric containing the active compound curcumin.
Curcumin has been shown to bind to plaque-forming beta-amyloid. It not only helps stop the accumulation of beta-amyloid fragments, but it has also been shown to promote their destruction. In a study using a model of Alzheimer’s disease, curcumin (BCM-95) reduced the size of beta-amyloid plaques by 30% in just one week![1]Researchers noted that this especially potent form of curcumin was more effective at stopping the formation of plaques than many experimental drugs that are being tested as potential AD treatments.
Other research has found that Vitamin D works synergistically with curcumin to clear the brain of beta-amyloid plaques.[2] Researchers hypothesize that this combination stimulates a type of immune cell called a macrophage to more aggressively seek out and clean-up beta-amyloid fragments in the brain. Additionally, curcumin and Vitamin D help protect the brain from inflammation and from damage to brain cells caused by free radicals.
Expert sources available for this story:
  • Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. is one of the most frequently quoted integrative medical authorities in the world, and appears often as a guest on Oprah and Friends with Dr. Mehmet Oz, CNN, Fox, ABC and news and talk shows nationwide. He is the author of the best-selling From Fatigued to Fantastic! which has sold over 500,000 copies, and his latest book, Beat Sugar Addiction Now! (Fair Winds, March 2010).
  • Chris Kilham, Medicine Hunter and Explorer in Residence at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, has trekked to over 20 countries in search of plant medicines with proven efficacy. The author of 14 books, Kilham has appeared as a guest expert on over 1500 radio programs and more than 500 TV shows worldwide including the Dr. Oz Show, ABC 20/20, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, and NPR.
Terry Lemerond, President of EuroPharma, is an icon in the natural products industry and was the first to introduce to market Gingko biloba, glucosamine sulfate, IP6, black cohosh, and botanical standardization. Terry received the Natural Products Association Industry Champion Award for his contribution to the natural products industry. He conducts educational seminars on the benefits of natural medicines and is frequently sourced by the media.

[1]Garcia-Alloza M. Curcumin labels amyloid pathology in vivo, disrupts existing plaques, and partially restores distorted neurites in an Alzheimer mouse model. J Neurochem. 2007;102:1095-1104.[2] Masoumi A. 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 interacts with curcuminoids to stimulate amyloid-beta clearance by macrophages of Alzheimer's disease patients. J Alzheimers Dis. 2009 Jul;17(3):703-17.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tips for Safe Barbequing

BBQI thought, this article, sent to me this morning, can be interesting for you and decided to publish it.
The phto is not exactly barbeque, it's shashlyk, but I'm an author of it, and it is more or less about similar cooking, so I decided to add it.

· An April 2006 presentation at the American Association for Cancer Research showed that when PhIP, a barbecue/char chemical, was added to rats’ food, they developed cancerous changes in their intestines, spleens and prostates within four weeks.

· HCAs, heterocyclic amines, are also produced when meat is charred. This compound can increase the risk of breast, stomach, colon, and prostate cancer.

· PAHs, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, are produced by smoking fat from chicken, fish or meat and can damage lung, liver, skin and kidney tissue.

Tips for Safe Barbequing:

* Clean the grill: get rid of the old fats left over from previous meals.

* Avoid petroleum starters for charcoal: If you use charcoal, use a wood starter and stack your charcoal up in a 2 pound metal can with the ends cut off. Lift off the can with tongs and spread out the coals when they are well started.

* Proper timing: Avoid a time gap between opening the valve and starting the grill.

* Wash your hands: Keep your hands clean and use separate plates and cutting boards for raw and cooked meats. Be sure to wash hands again before putting on long, heat-proof barbecue gloves.

* Trim meat: Trim most of the fat from meat; less fat means fewer PAHs.

* Use marinades: This protects the meat from charring. Put the marinade on, and refrigerate until use. Don’t let meat sit out.

* Pre-cooking: Use pre-cooking prior to grilling, especially for items like raw brats. Avoid taking burgers, chicken or other meats directly from the freezer to the grill.

* Cutting techniques: Cut meat and chicken into smaller pieces so they cook through.

* Flipping: Turn down the fire, and turn your burgers, steaks, chops, or chicken often, so they cook through, and come out golden brown.

* Meat thermometer: If you are cooking a thicker portion of meat or chicken, use a meat thermometer.
o Chicken: 165 degrees
o Hamburger: 160 degrees
o Pork: 150 degrees
o Hot dogs: 140 degrees
o Steak: 145 degrees for medium rare and 160 degrees for medium.

* Cleaning up: At the end of the barbecue, be sure to put out your charcoal completely, and if you are using propane, be sure the valve is turned off.

About Chicago Healers ( is the nation’s pioneer prescreened integrative health care network, offering a comprehensive understanding of each practitioner’s services, approach, and philosophy. Our holistic health experts teach and advocate natural and empowered health and life choices through their practices, the media, educational events, and our website. With close to 200 practitioners and over 300 treatment services, Chicago Healers has provided nearly 400 free educational events for Chicagoans and has been featured in 300+ TV news programs and print publications.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Studies About Echinacea

Echinacea has been used for hundreds of years as an herbal remedy to prevent or treat colds, and today it is among the most commonly used herbal medicines in North America. However, in spite of its popularity, studies of the effect of the herb on the body’s immune system are conflicting.

Now researchers from the School of Science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis are investigating the possibility that Echinacea has other potentially more important uses – not in health, but in the fields of petrochemicals and agriculture.

Using the cutting edge tools of the newest “-omics” - metabolomics and transcriptomics - Robert Minto, PhD., associate professor of chemistry in the School of Science, is studying the lipid metabolism of the herb, bioprospecting the plant’s genes and enzymes.

“The goal of our National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project is to gain a better understanding of this plant, which in spite of its popularity, has not received the basic scientific scrutiny of so-called model plants like corn, rice and soy. We are identifying and mapping the complex biosynthetic metabolic pathways, especially the alkamide pathway. We hope that this work will lead us to a better understanding of the plant’s metabolic processes with wide-ranging application in such diverse fields as lubrication and design of disease-resistant plants,” said Minto, who directs the IUPUI Signature Center for Membrane Bioscience.

According to Minto, the study of the unique metabolic characteristics of Echinacea and other natural plants should translate into the creation of novel bio-derived compounds.

Minto and fellow IUPUI researchers are collaborating on this study of Echinacea with investigators from Iowa State University.


The School of Science at IUPUI is committed to excellence in teaching, research, and service in the biological, physical, behavioral and mathematical sciences. The School is dedicated to being a leading resource for interdisciplinary research and science education in support of Indiana's effort to expand and diversify its economy. For more information go to

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Study Shows Coffee May Reduce the Risk of Head and Neck Cancer

My neighbour came to me this evening and told about her father. He does not recognize anybody and began to have blood in the urine. The daughters took him to the doctor...
You understood.

An other mail abut the cancer and research I received after I published my previous post today. I publish it. Even if I am not very convinced by it. But we have to know about the results of the researches.

Cancer Epidemiology journal, Biomarkers and Prevention just released a study which shows that regular coffee drinkers have a 39 percent decreased risk of head and neck cancer. ( This follows two studies from the Harvard School of Public Health in 2009 which suggested that coffee can reduce a man’s risk for prostate cancer. Practitioner Dr. Melody Hart, ND, PhD, is available for interview on the results of this new study and how coffee may be the new health food.

Other research on and benefits of coffee:

  • Harvard research studies also found that downing one to three cups of America’s favorite caffeinated morning beverage can reduce diabetes risk by single digits.
  • At least six studies indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis are up to 80% less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease.
  • Other research show that compared to not drinking coffee at least two cups daily can translate to a 25% reduced risk of colon cancer, an 80% drop in cirrhosis of the liver risk, and nearly half the risk of gallstones.
  • There’s also some evidence that coffee may help manage asthma and even control attacks when medication is unavailable, stop a headache, boost a mood and even prevent cavities.
  • Plus coffee has a lot of antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid and tocopherols and minerals such as magnesium.
  • A group of compounds called quinines that when induced to lab rats increases insulin sensitivity, and that improves the body’s response to insulin.

Diagnosed Terminally Ill Twice- She Learned From Bugs Bunny

Cancer is terrible.
Many of my relatives died from it. Even my dog had a cancer but she was fortunate that I could save her from the grave pains. I've listened to an interview here, in Italy, when one man prayed the government to finish his suffer because the hard drugs he needed were forbidden. "Allow me to remain a human being not a worm, I can't stand this pain and I don't want to scrape for the medicine", he asked.

That is why I publish this article that was sent me this morning.

Do you know how hard it is these days to find a religious symbol that
hundreds of thousands of people have not been killed in the name of?
Some people have found themselves influenced heavily by such iconic
religious figures as Jesus of Nazareth, or the historical Buddha.
Others find comfort in the words of Gandhi or Lao Tzu. For me there
has been only one personality over the years that has remained
transfixed in sheer perfection; one voice that comes piercing through
the illusion of daily life and its challenges; the one that has always
been there for me: Bugs Bunny, my religious symbol of choice! He has
taught me everything I needed to know about life.

1. If you don't know what reality is, don't take it seriously. There
is no reality more permeable than Bugs Bunny's, and he never takes his
belief about reality seriously. This is his undeniable strength and
power. Bugs is always senior to the drama that rages on around him,
because reality exists to serve Bugs, Bugs does not exist to serve
reality. Brings a whole new meaning to wascally wabbit, don't it!
2. Deal with your enemies by giving them, a full-on kiss on the lips.

Bugs lives a life free of worries and fear. He transcended every
conflict from Elmer Fudd to Daffy Duck by giving his antagonist a full
kiss on the lips! Bugs brings a whole new meaning to "Love conquers
thy enemies!" (It also keeps them confused.)
3. Be adventurous! Be outrageous! Be Bugs!

Spiritual growth always happens outside the box. All great spiritual
teachers like Bugs Bunny have lived outside the restrictions of
cultural limitations and prudish sensibilities. Dare to be your
original self! Dare to be real and alive. Dare to be fearless! Dare to
be outrageously Bugs!
4. Know when it is "Wabbit Season" and when it is not.

Bugs knows when to his pick his battles. Bugs knows when to declare,
"This means war!" and when to run (or hop). Knowing when it is the
season to reap or sow, knowing when it is time to emerge from the
rabbit hole and when to stay underground meditating, this is the
hidden, higher teaching of Hare Krishna!

5. Always leave 'em laughing.
Bugs always leaves ya laughing, because Bugs knows that the only thing
anyone really has any control over is their attitude. We do not always
get to choose when we find ourselves staring down the loaded end of
Elmer's hunting rifle, but we always get to choose our reaction to
that reality. If there were a more enlightened response then leaving
'em laughing, Bugs would have modeled it!

6. There are no small cartoon characters, only small people.
The impact that people have in our lives is most astonishing.
Sometimes it is the people that have the smallest walk-on roles in our
lives that affect us most profoundly. There are times when that
unknown person, who passes us on the street with a smile and well
wishing, lifts our day to its highest experience. No contact is small;
some have a shorter exposure time than others; but all have unlimited

7. You can't kill a cartoon.
Resilience is the name of the game, and it is always in fashion. We
all come to the earth to practice growing beyond what has hurts us. No
one can do that without the power and commitment of resiliency.
Resilience is what makes babies such powerful self-healers. Resilience
is what makes our life worth living. Resiliency is the great spiritual
fashion accessory that never goes out of style.

8. Monsters are such interesting people!
Bugs is always unconditionally accepting. Bugs has embraced some of
the most insidious animated monstrosities ever created, and he
lovingly responds to them with the wisdom that: "monsters are such
interesting people!" Bugs experiences all life forms as working for
his benefit, aiding and assisting him in his personal growth. No
creature, no matter how fiendishly packaged, is anything less than
fascinating and here to empower him!

Life Management Expert, Vaishãli is an author and syndicated talk
Radio host of “You Are What You Love”© demystifies mysticism by
offering answers to many thought provoking questions about the fine
art of self-resurrection. Vaishãli has survived a life fraught with
every possible personal challenge available to a human experience: the
violent death of a loved one, lying, cheating significant others, a
messy painful divorce, financial devastation due to life threatening
illness and injuries. These experiences have shaped her books with
honest heartfelt and deeply insightful knowledge on how to understand
the purpose behind human life. Vaishãli has appeared on The Dr. Oz
Radio Show and was recently quoted on . She is a columnist
for The Huffington Post and a frequent guest on network television.
She is a faculty member of The Omega Institute

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Life of Children in a Monastery

Please, post this letter in your blog! You can help children to survive -and it will cost nothing to you!

Information letter concerning monastery project in Sikkim 28. 4. 2010

To all friends, which are interested to support this Bönpo-monastery project

Enclosed you are receiving a short project description and some information worth knowing.

Me in person I am a disciple of Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, who is also a tutor of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal, for already ten years.

During a stay at Triten Norbutse in Nepal, the monastery of Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, I met the abbot of the Bön-monastery in Sikkim. I visited the monastery in Sikkim on one of my several trips to Sikkim. This was already eight years ago. This monastery had no access to donations from the western countries.

Since this time I committed myself personally to support that project.

The situation in the monastery was and still is very poor. The children that enter the monastery come from very poor families or are orphans and are handed over to the monastery.

Since the abbot of the monastery Yungdrung Lama died 2008 the problems increased.

The donations which come from the locals are very low. Also the own revenues from the monks coming from the celebration of prayers for the people of the surrounding villages are very little.

Furthermore they are getting a yearly contribution of the Sikkim Gouvernement, which is not even covering the basic needs of the monastery.

Moreover none of the monks, even the new abbot Geshe Nyima Sengye is speaking English.

So to say the existence of the monastery whit its 36 monks is now depending on donations from the west.

This is the task that I took.

Each year I am travelling to the monastery in Sikkim. There I personally proof the exact use of the donated money and support with my talent for organisation.

Every cent of the money goes directly to the monastery. There is no administration fee and I pay all the travelling costs myself.

You have the possibility to take godparenthood for one of the young monks. The therefore necessary amount is 1 Euro per day, that means 365,- Euro per year. This is the money needed for food and clothes for on year. If we have less than 36 sponsors, the money will be contributed to all monks in equal parts.

It is also possible to make a common donation, which will be put in the new building, which is already done to 75%.

So it is most welcome if you feel encouraged to contribute to the supply of the monastery by which you are also supporting the Bön Tradition.

Enclosed you find the account data for your donation:

You can receive a german tax deductible contribution receipt if requested..

Please donate to the account of the Yungdrung Bön Foundation:

The adress is: Yungdrung Bön Stiftung
co Christine Trachte
Seeleiten 1
82418 Seehausen

The bank account is: Deutsche Apotheker- und Arztebank
Ottostr. 17
80333 München

Kto. 000 512 7092
BLZ 300 606 01
IBAN DE 27 300 60601 000 5127 092

Please designate your payment fort he benefit of the monasteryproject in Sikkim,

The name and Number of the sponsorship or for the monastery in general

For all who do not need a contribution receipt please address you payment to the following account. It will save some administrative steps:

The adress is: I'm afraid to publish here the address of the banc, so pls contact Usha by

Please designate your payment fort he benefit of the monastery project in Sikkim,

The name and Number of the sponsorship or for the monastery in general

After my yearly journey to Sikkim in February/March the friends and sponsors of the project will receive the yearly report about the progress. Moreover you will receive a thank-you letter and your receipts.

Nach meiner jährlichen Reise im Februar/März nach Sikkim bekommen die Freunde
und Sponsoren den jährlichen Bericht über die Ereignisse im Kloster.
Auch werdet ihr vom Kloster Dankesschreiben und Quittungen erhalten.

I really hope for your support. If you have further questions, please send me an email or give me a call.

I wish you a very pleasant spring time.

From the heart


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