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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tips for Safe Barbequing

BBQI thought, this article, sent to me this morning, can be interesting for you and decided to publish it.
The phto is not exactly barbeque, it's shashlyk, but I'm an author of it, and it is more or less about similar cooking, so I decided to add it.

· An April 2006 presentation at the American Association for Cancer Research showed that when PhIP, a barbecue/char chemical, was added to rats’ food, they developed cancerous changes in their intestines, spleens and prostates within four weeks.

· HCAs, heterocyclic amines, are also produced when meat is charred. This compound can increase the risk of breast, stomach, colon, and prostate cancer.

· PAHs, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, are produced by smoking fat from chicken, fish or meat and can damage lung, liver, skin and kidney tissue.

Tips for Safe Barbequing:

* Clean the grill: get rid of the old fats left over from previous meals.

* Avoid petroleum starters for charcoal: If you use charcoal, use a wood starter and stack your charcoal up in a 2 pound metal can with the ends cut off. Lift off the can with tongs and spread out the coals when they are well started.

* Proper timing: Avoid a time gap between opening the valve and starting the grill.

* Wash your hands: Keep your hands clean and use separate plates and cutting boards for raw and cooked meats. Be sure to wash hands again before putting on long, heat-proof barbecue gloves.

* Trim meat: Trim most of the fat from meat; less fat means fewer PAHs.

* Use marinades: This protects the meat from charring. Put the marinade on, and refrigerate until use. Don’t let meat sit out.

* Pre-cooking: Use pre-cooking prior to grilling, especially for items like raw brats. Avoid taking burgers, chicken or other meats directly from the freezer to the grill.

* Cutting techniques: Cut meat and chicken into smaller pieces so they cook through.

* Flipping: Turn down the fire, and turn your burgers, steaks, chops, or chicken often, so they cook through, and come out golden brown.

* Meat thermometer: If you are cooking a thicker portion of meat or chicken, use a meat thermometer.
o Chicken: 165 degrees
o Hamburger: 160 degrees
o Pork: 150 degrees
o Hot dogs: 140 degrees
o Steak: 145 degrees for medium rare and 160 degrees for medium.

* Cleaning up: At the end of the barbecue, be sure to put out your charcoal completely, and if you are using propane, be sure the valve is turned off.

About Chicago Healers ( is the nation’s pioneer prescreened integrative health care network, offering a comprehensive understanding of each practitioner’s services, approach, and philosophy. Our holistic health experts teach and advocate natural and empowered health and life choices through their practices, the media, educational events, and our website. With close to 200 practitioners and over 300 treatment services, Chicago Healers has provided nearly 400 free educational events for Chicagoans and has been featured in 300+ TV news programs and print publications.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Studies About Echinacea

Echinacea has been used for hundreds of years as an herbal remedy to prevent or treat colds, and today it is among the most commonly used herbal medicines in North America. However, in spite of its popularity, studies of the effect of the herb on the body’s immune system are conflicting.

Now researchers from the School of Science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis are investigating the possibility that Echinacea has other potentially more important uses – not in health, but in the fields of petrochemicals and agriculture.

Using the cutting edge tools of the newest “-omics” - metabolomics and transcriptomics - Robert Minto, PhD., associate professor of chemistry in the School of Science, is studying the lipid metabolism of the herb, bioprospecting the plant’s genes and enzymes.

“The goal of our National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project is to gain a better understanding of this plant, which in spite of its popularity, has not received the basic scientific scrutiny of so-called model plants like corn, rice and soy. We are identifying and mapping the complex biosynthetic metabolic pathways, especially the alkamide pathway. We hope that this work will lead us to a better understanding of the plant’s metabolic processes with wide-ranging application in such diverse fields as lubrication and design of disease-resistant plants,” said Minto, who directs the IUPUI Signature Center for Membrane Bioscience.

According to Minto, the study of the unique metabolic characteristics of Echinacea and other natural plants should translate into the creation of novel bio-derived compounds.

Minto and fellow IUPUI researchers are collaborating on this study of Echinacea with investigators from Iowa State University.


The School of Science at IUPUI is committed to excellence in teaching, research, and service in the biological, physical, behavioral and mathematical sciences. The School is dedicated to being a leading resource for interdisciplinary research and science education in support of Indiana's effort to expand and diversify its economy. For more information go to

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Study Shows Coffee May Reduce the Risk of Head and Neck Cancer

My neighbour came to me this evening and told about her father. He does not recognize anybody and began to have blood in the urine. The daughters took him to the doctor...
You understood.

An other mail abut the cancer and research I received after I published my previous post today. I publish it. Even if I am not very convinced by it. But we have to know about the results of the researches.

Cancer Epidemiology journal, Biomarkers and Prevention just released a study which shows that regular coffee drinkers have a 39 percent decreased risk of head and neck cancer. ( This follows two studies from the Harvard School of Public Health in 2009 which suggested that coffee can reduce a man’s risk for prostate cancer. Practitioner Dr. Melody Hart, ND, PhD, is available for interview on the results of this new study and how coffee may be the new health food.

Other research on and benefits of coffee:

  • Harvard research studies also found that downing one to three cups of America’s favorite caffeinated morning beverage can reduce diabetes risk by single digits.
  • At least six studies indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis are up to 80% less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease.
  • Other research show that compared to not drinking coffee at least two cups daily can translate to a 25% reduced risk of colon cancer, an 80% drop in cirrhosis of the liver risk, and nearly half the risk of gallstones.
  • There’s also some evidence that coffee may help manage asthma and even control attacks when medication is unavailable, stop a headache, boost a mood and even prevent cavities.
  • Plus coffee has a lot of antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid and tocopherols and minerals such as magnesium.
  • A group of compounds called quinines that when induced to lab rats increases insulin sensitivity, and that improves the body’s response to insulin.

Diagnosed Terminally Ill Twice- She Learned From Bugs Bunny

Cancer is terrible.
Many of my relatives died from it. Even my dog had a cancer but she was fortunate that I could save her from the grave pains. I've listened to an interview here, in Italy, when one man prayed the government to finish his suffer because the hard drugs he needed were forbidden. "Allow me to remain a human being not a worm, I can't stand this pain and I don't want to scrape for the medicine", he asked.

That is why I publish this article that was sent me this morning.

Do you know how hard it is these days to find a religious symbol that
hundreds of thousands of people have not been killed in the name of?
Some people have found themselves influenced heavily by such iconic
religious figures as Jesus of Nazareth, or the historical Buddha.
Others find comfort in the words of Gandhi or Lao Tzu. For me there
has been only one personality over the years that has remained
transfixed in sheer perfection; one voice that comes piercing through
the illusion of daily life and its challenges; the one that has always
been there for me: Bugs Bunny, my religious symbol of choice! He has
taught me everything I needed to know about life.

1. If you don't know what reality is, don't take it seriously. There
is no reality more permeable than Bugs Bunny's, and he never takes his
belief about reality seriously. This is his undeniable strength and
power. Bugs is always senior to the drama that rages on around him,
because reality exists to serve Bugs, Bugs does not exist to serve
reality. Brings a whole new meaning to wascally wabbit, don't it!
2. Deal with your enemies by giving them, a full-on kiss on the lips.

Bugs lives a life free of worries and fear. He transcended every
conflict from Elmer Fudd to Daffy Duck by giving his antagonist a full
kiss on the lips! Bugs brings a whole new meaning to "Love conquers
thy enemies!" (It also keeps them confused.)
3. Be adventurous! Be outrageous! Be Bugs!

Spiritual growth always happens outside the box. All great spiritual
teachers like Bugs Bunny have lived outside the restrictions of
cultural limitations and prudish sensibilities. Dare to be your
original self! Dare to be real and alive. Dare to be fearless! Dare to
be outrageously Bugs!
4. Know when it is "Wabbit Season" and when it is not.

Bugs knows when to his pick his battles. Bugs knows when to declare,
"This means war!" and when to run (or hop). Knowing when it is the
season to reap or sow, knowing when it is time to emerge from the
rabbit hole and when to stay underground meditating, this is the
hidden, higher teaching of Hare Krishna!

5. Always leave 'em laughing.
Bugs always leaves ya laughing, because Bugs knows that the only thing
anyone really has any control over is their attitude. We do not always
get to choose when we find ourselves staring down the loaded end of
Elmer's hunting rifle, but we always get to choose our reaction to
that reality. If there were a more enlightened response then leaving
'em laughing, Bugs would have modeled it!

6. There are no small cartoon characters, only small people.
The impact that people have in our lives is most astonishing.
Sometimes it is the people that have the smallest walk-on roles in our
lives that affect us most profoundly. There are times when that
unknown person, who passes us on the street with a smile and well
wishing, lifts our day to its highest experience. No contact is small;
some have a shorter exposure time than others; but all have unlimited

7. You can't kill a cartoon.
Resilience is the name of the game, and it is always in fashion. We
all come to the earth to practice growing beyond what has hurts us. No
one can do that without the power and commitment of resiliency.
Resilience is what makes babies such powerful self-healers. Resilience
is what makes our life worth living. Resiliency is the great spiritual
fashion accessory that never goes out of style.

8. Monsters are such interesting people!
Bugs is always unconditionally accepting. Bugs has embraced some of
the most insidious animated monstrosities ever created, and he
lovingly responds to them with the wisdom that: "monsters are such
interesting people!" Bugs experiences all life forms as working for
his benefit, aiding and assisting him in his personal growth. No
creature, no matter how fiendishly packaged, is anything less than
fascinating and here to empower him!

Life Management Expert, Vaishãli is an author and syndicated talk
Radio host of “You Are What You Love”© demystifies mysticism by
offering answers to many thought provoking questions about the fine
art of self-resurrection. Vaishãli has survived a life fraught with
every possible personal challenge available to a human experience: the
violent death of a loved one, lying, cheating significant others, a
messy painful divorce, financial devastation due to life threatening
illness and injuries. These experiences have shaped her books with
honest heartfelt and deeply insightful knowledge on how to understand
the purpose behind human life. Vaishãli has appeared on The Dr. Oz
Radio Show and was recently quoted on . She is a columnist
for The Huffington Post and a frequent guest on network television.
She is a faculty member of The Omega Institute

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Life of Children in a Monastery

Please, post this letter in your blog! You can help children to survive -and it will cost nothing to you!

Information letter concerning monastery project in Sikkim 28. 4. 2010

To all friends, which are interested to support this Bönpo-monastery project

Enclosed you are receiving a short project description and some information worth knowing.

Me in person I am a disciple of Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, who is also a tutor of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal, for already ten years.

During a stay at Triten Norbutse in Nepal, the monastery of Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, I met the abbot of the Bön-monastery in Sikkim. I visited the monastery in Sikkim on one of my several trips to Sikkim. This was already eight years ago. This monastery had no access to donations from the western countries.

Since this time I committed myself personally to support that project.

The situation in the monastery was and still is very poor. The children that enter the monastery come from very poor families or are orphans and are handed over to the monastery.

Since the abbot of the monastery Yungdrung Lama died 2008 the problems increased.

The donations which come from the locals are very low. Also the own revenues from the monks coming from the celebration of prayers for the people of the surrounding villages are very little.

Furthermore they are getting a yearly contribution of the Sikkim Gouvernement, which is not even covering the basic needs of the monastery.

Moreover none of the monks, even the new abbot Geshe Nyima Sengye is speaking English.

So to say the existence of the monastery whit its 36 monks is now depending on donations from the west.

This is the task that I took.

Each year I am travelling to the monastery in Sikkim. There I personally proof the exact use of the donated money and support with my talent for organisation.

Every cent of the money goes directly to the monastery. There is no administration fee and I pay all the travelling costs myself.

You have the possibility to take godparenthood for one of the young monks. The therefore necessary amount is 1 Euro per day, that means 365,- Euro per year. This is the money needed for food and clothes for on year. If we have less than 36 sponsors, the money will be contributed to all monks in equal parts.

It is also possible to make a common donation, which will be put in the new building, which is already done to 75%.

So it is most welcome if you feel encouraged to contribute to the supply of the monastery by which you are also supporting the Bön Tradition.

Enclosed you find the account data for your donation:

You can receive a german tax deductible contribution receipt if requested..

Please donate to the account of the Yungdrung Bön Foundation:

The adress is: Yungdrung Bön Stiftung
co Christine Trachte
Seeleiten 1
82418 Seehausen

The bank account is: Deutsche Apotheker- und Arztebank
Ottostr. 17
80333 München

Kto. 000 512 7092
BLZ 300 606 01
IBAN DE 27 300 60601 000 5127 092

Please designate your payment fort he benefit of the monasteryproject in Sikkim,

The name and Number of the sponsorship or for the monastery in general

For all who do not need a contribution receipt please address you payment to the following account. It will save some administrative steps:

The adress is: I'm afraid to publish here the address of the banc, so pls contact Usha by

Please designate your payment fort he benefit of the monastery project in Sikkim,

The name and Number of the sponsorship or for the monastery in general

After my yearly journey to Sikkim in February/March the friends and sponsors of the project will receive the yearly report about the progress. Moreover you will receive a thank-you letter and your receipts.

Nach meiner jährlichen Reise im Februar/März nach Sikkim bekommen die Freunde
und Sponsoren den jährlichen Bericht über die Ereignisse im Kloster.
Auch werdet ihr vom Kloster Dankesschreiben und Quittungen erhalten.

I really hope for your support. If you have further questions, please send me an email or give me a call.

I wish you a very pleasant spring time.

From the heart


Монастырю в Сиккиме нужна помощь и нужны помощники

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Against GM products: GM Soy is Dangerous!

I just wrote about the petition you can sign to convince European parlament to change their erroneous decision about the GM plants and foods. Here you can read an article I became a moment ago.

Please, read my post and my personal experience here Against GM Foods and sign the petition because they need one million of signs to pass it to the parlament.

Soy goods have swept the nation, taking over grocery stores and health food stores alike, with the perception of being a natural and wholesome source of protein and more. Tofu hot dogs and burgers are found in the "healthy eating" section of the grocery store. Many babies are downing soy-based formulas in place of breast milk. Clearly, there are firm believers who claim that soy is a miracle food, but others reason that daily soy consumption can increase the risk of developing certain health problems.

Independent research has raised many questions concerning the relationship between soy and breast cancer. Decreased brain function in men has been linked to soy, and now scientists are questioning soy and its relationship to developmental abnormalities in infants. Essentially, soy may not be the health food that you think it is. ChicagoHealers Practitioner Dr. Tom Bayne, DC offers the following, potentially surprising, facts on soy.

  • Soy Contains Natural Chemicals that mimic estrogen called isoflavones. Animal studies show that this chemical can alter sexual development. What’s more, Japanese researchers found that as little as 2 tablespoons a day of soy powder had a dramatic effect on thyroid function. It created a state of hypothyroidism with early goiter changes in spite of adequate iodine intake. They also found that the effect lasted for 3 months after soy consumption was discontinued.
  • Soybeans Contain an Anti-Nutrient called phytic acid. All beans do. However, soybeans have the highest levels of phytic acid compared to other beans. Adding to the high phytate problem, soybeans are highly resistant to phytate-reducing techniques, such as long, slow cooking as used with other beans. Phytic acid blocks the absorption of certain minerals, including magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc. This is of particular interest when it comes to soy-based infant formulas and the nutrient deficiencies created in the name of health.
  • Soybeans Contain Enzyme Inhibitors that decrease protein digestion, create bloating, and eventually lead to amino acid deficiencies. Additionally, soybeans contain hemagglutinin, a clot-promoting substance which causes red blood cells to clump together. These clumped blood cells cannot properly transport oxygen to the body's tissues, which can lead to cardiac difficulties.
  • Soy Straight from the Ground is Not for Human Consumption. Only after fermentation for an extended period of time as seen with miso and tempeh production are the beans, or the soy protein isolate, suitable for digestion when eaten. Another method of making the beans edible is through extensive processing such as chemical extractions and high temperatures.

One would assume that anything that can cause decelerated thyroid, depressed hormones, digestve failure, blood clots and nutrient deficiencies would be illegal to sell. It probably would be illicit if the average person were selling it, but when the lead dominators of agribusiness can pay for research studies and manipulate the findings to their liking, it creates a multibillion dollar industry from a bean that was considered waste and animal feed as recently as 100 years ago. Genetic modification has meant that all seeds are purchased from one supplier. This is truly big business at its worst. Practitioner Dr. Tom Bayne, DC. offers the following tips for safely incorporating soy into your diet:

  1. Fermentation: Fermentation reduces the phytic acid, trypsin inhibitors, and hemagglutinin. Although it reduces the existence of these substances, it does not eliminate them completely. We recommend that you eat only small amounts of soy.
  2. GMO Free: Be certain that the soy products you ingest are not genetically modified, and are preserved in a fermented form like that of miso or tempeh.

The best advice is to steer clear of soy protein powders, foods and supplements that are not fermented and GMO free. There is no need to fully eliminate soy, but everything should be eaten in moderation.

Please let me know if you are interested in an interview with Dr. Tom Bayne, D.C. For more information go to

Thursday, June 10, 2010

An Article About Homeopathic Remedies

You know I'm interested in homeopatic healing and wanted to learn more about it. Here I publish an article that I think is interesting in this sense:

Obviously my health is very important to me. I presume that it is the same for you too. Without your health where would you be? Good health comes from looking after your self and taking control of things that have a bad effect on your health.Here are just a few things that can help you to keep in good health or at least steer you in the right direction.Everybody knows that diet is a main factor in everybody's health. Without a proper diet your health will definitely suffer.One such diet is the high animal protein diet that has become so popular apart from it may not be quite that good for omnivores. It also questions the ethics to leading animals to their slaughter in special farms when they are in a highly stressed state. Do we actually benefit from animals that are killed in this way?

People everyday live in some sort of fear, they are often subjected to advertising that really only seems to benefit the people who run the adverts rather than themselves. We must try to cal our fears and live our lives as we want to.

Allowing your skin to receive an adequate amount of sunlight is actually good for your natural health. Yet sun cream companies could actually profit from you covering your skin all the time. So who is benefiting from your lack of exposure to the sun? Certainly not you!

Getting yourself some relaxation is crucial to your health. It does not matter whether you are in the garden, on the beach or walking in a park, as long as it is outdoors. No matter where you are getting out in the fresh air is good for you.

Another good health benefit comes from homeopathic remedies. You can also use some common homeopathic remedies your self in the comfort of your own home.

Article Source:

Thursday, June 3, 2010

How to Drink Milk to Digest It

My previous post I dedicated to the explanation that gives Dr. Torsunov of Ajurvedic vision of healthy breakfast. Now, I want to add some words from the article about the digestion of milk of this author. Many of us have this problem and there are different reasons of it, I think.

I just wrote once about the great problems I had with milk when I came in Italy. The main point is I love all the dairy produce. Specially I loved milk. After a few time I lived here, I had to visit meditian because I had very hard belly aches. That doctor said me, it's because I do not digest milk.

It's unpossible, I thought. I drink milk in great quantities all my life. I drunk it every day before I came here and had not problems. How it it possible that I acquire intollerance a few months after I came in Italy? I became more attentive to the reactions of my stomach and discovered that the meditian was right: every time I drunk milk I had intoxication.

The grandy of one of my friends had cows in that period. Once I met the girl turning home after she visited her grandy. She had a 2liters bottle of milk in the hand. Knowing how much I like milk, she decided to gift me that bottle.

I did not remember when I drunk fresh, shortly milked, warm milk :-) I came home and drunk it all. After that I thought, now, with my intollerance, I will die. ... But nothing happend with me. I even had not my usual stomach pains.

Normal natural milk did nothing bad to me.

That is why I think most of us have intollerance of addictives, industrial foods.
And this is the reason why I turn and turn to this theme.

Turning back to the Ajurveda explanation, Dr. Torsunov tells, milk is probably the most digestable food. It is in the connection with the power of the Moon. It relaxes our body and make it feel very comfortable. It's enough to drink it in the period from 18:00 till 6:00 in the morning, always warm and sweet. If you drink it in the evening, add sugar, linden honey, cardamom or fennel. Do not use linden honey in the morning.

From other side, do not drink kefir and other similar products in the evening.You can use it some times as a cure but not reguarly. (By the way, I noticed it too).

So, this is the idea.
In the week that passed from my previous post I tryed to have breackfast as it's described there, but I could not wake up so early.