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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My New Diet: Apple Cider Vinegar

If you are not tiered to listen about my attempts to turn back to the normal weight, read about the next experience I began with me.

The problem is that I continue to add kilos despite all my entations to remain at least where I reached this time. I know that I don't make movements since I stay all days long for the PC and never go out at feet. If we go out, we use the car. You can't go some km-s till the next shop and to turn back with the full bag than. Well, you CAN do it, but there are so many tasks to do that it's practically unpossible. (It's my justification of my sedentary live).

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From other side, I eat too much (in confront to the movements I do) and I like fat and sweeties. And there is the matter, I know. But I'm not able not to eat.

But the weight becomes higher and higher from day to day and the bones do not support it more.

Two days ago I read about the apple cider vinegar. They say, it's possible to become more slim if you drink it before you eat. 1 spoonful of vinegar in 1 glass of water. At least in the morning and than before you go in bed.

I began to do it. It's the 3-d day today.
The first and the best result: I don't have the insatiable desire to eat sweeties. This one is my greatest problem. I HAVE to gulp down sugar. And not simple sweeties. Chocolate, ice-creams 'something like this. "Heavy" enough. Yesterday, the second day of my diet, I did not want to eat the second Lindt bon-bon! I could not believe my eyes! I adore these chocolates. It's great, guys! It's the best thing I could imagine to have from the diet.
I tryed once with special aliments that have to fill the stomach once they enter it. But it was something terrible.
But I have a problem with my new diet. When I drink vinegar before I go to bed, I feel giddy. And I have special taste in the mouth in the morning. Probably, I have to drink it only before I eat.
Now, I read some articles about apple cider vinegar.

They tell about the effect I just had: the persons renounce on sweeties when drink vinegar. But the quantity I use is probably too high. They speak about 2 tea-spoons with 250 ml of water. I take 1 soup-spoon with 200 ml. Than, the significant results you will notice after 2-3 months (well, it's not bad because it's normal for weight loose, I think). The vinegar you can find in the shops is in the most cases not natural but made with essence that is bad for the health. It's better to make it at home. You can add honey to the vinegar you drink. You have drink it with attention to not touch the teeth. As a tonic you can drink it once a day, to loose weight 3 times a day after the meals.

Вино из антоновки! Ретро!
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Well, I did not understand about the meals. Before or After?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

An Apple a Day

This article is from those I began to receive in the last period by mail. I like it and think it can be interesting for you too, so I decided to post it here.

Мои слёзы.
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As it turns out, an apple a day will keep the doctor away. Apples are a quintessential food for health that are low in fat, calories and are an enzyme rich energy food that helps break down and digest other foods. Practitioner Dr. Melody Hart, ND, PhD suggests buying organic, un-waxed apples that are not treated with fungicides or pesticides and shares how nutrient-rich apples have been found to help fight the following diseases:
1.      Bone Protection: French researchers found that a flavanoid called phloridzin that is found only in apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density. Boron, another ingredient in apples, also strengthens bones.
2.      Asthma Help: One recent study shows that children with asthma who drank apple juice on a daily basis suffered from less wheezing than children who drank apple juice only once per month. Another study showed that children born to women who eat a lot of apples during pregnancy have lower rates of asthma than children whose mothers ate few apples.
3.      Alzheimer's Prevention: A study on mice at Cornell University found that the quercetin in apples may protect brain cells from the kind of free radical damage that may lead to Alzheimer's disease.
4.      Lower Cholesterol: The pectin in apples lowers LDL ("bad") cholesterol. People who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.
5.      Lung Cancer Prevention: According to a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer. Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin in apples.
6.      Breast Cancer Prevention: A Cornell University study found that rats that ate one apple per day reduced their risk of breast cancer by 17 percent. Rats that were fed three apples per day reduced their risk by 39 percent and those fed six apples per day reduced their risk by 44 percent.
7.      Colon Cancer Prevention: One study found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 43 percent lower risk of colon cancer. Other research shows that the pectin in apples reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.
8.      Liver Cancer Prevention: Research found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer.
9.      Diabetes Management: The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the body's need for insulin and may help in the management of diabetes.
10.  Weight Loss: A Brazilian study found that women who ate three apples or pears per day lost more weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.
Apple Nutrition Facts
(One medium 2-1/2 inch apple, fresh, raw, with skin)
Calories 81
Carbohydrate 21 grams
Dietary Fiber 4 grams
Soluble Fiber
Insoluble fiber
Calcium 10 mg
Phosphorus 10 mg
Iron .25 mg
Sodium 0.00 mg
Potassium 159 mg
Vitamin C 8 mg
Vitamin A 73 IU
Folate 4 mcg
*The nutritional value of apples will vary slightly depending on the variety and size.

For more information go to

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Colourtherapy for Future Mum

I don't know why I do not believe in colourtherapy and that is why I rarely write about it. This time, reading about the news in the alternative medicine, I found an interesting article describing a test how you can control your state of soul and correct it with the colourtherapy. It seemed interesting enough and I decided to tell you about it.

First of all, some words about the history of my (low) curiosity towards this branch of the alternative medicine.

One of the teachers of the school I worked in took from the cources for teachers a test where it was possible to understand the psychological state of a pupil and to have the possibility to correct it observing the colors he prefers. We all (teachers) played this new game, and it was about choosing colors you like in different situations.

In the last years I heard much about the colourtherapy: many vendors sell furnitures and bathes that will heal you while you observe the color. Well, can it be real that you heal the deseases (psychological mostly) you pumpered for years taking bath in the water colored with lamps of different colors? As a support of your meditation to clean 5 elements -maybe. I don't know.

Now, the article I read tells you can govern a person changing his/ her feeling, energy level, working capacities etc. observing colors. It is very important for future mum that is responsable for the health of her future child. If you can create positive feelings in your soul, your body produces positive hormonal changes that make positive changes in the baby.

So, what can you do.

1 -paint an image using color pencils or what you have. Any image. Your future child, something abstract, a flower -anything.

If you are interested -do it now and read the post only after you finished your artwork.

_Мандала детская
«_Мандала детская» на Яндекс.Фотках

Now, when you finished, observe your painting and notice what is/ are the dominating color/s
Red is for very lively and courageous persons. But they are egoists too.
Yellow is for independent and explorers but sometimes they are irresponsible
Green is for the women that feel pregnancy as an illness. The child can feel himself left by his mother and needs her great love.
Orange is for those "red-yellow". They can be happy but begin to cry one moment later.
Azure is for those who like freedom and changes.
Rose like those calm and womanly
Lilac is for those who lives inside own internal world.
All these last 3 are fragile, week and shy.
Blue is for women that need relax. Children are steady, like to read, to speak about phylosophy and even can be ready to sacrifice themselves to a case. They do more than they take.
Violet is for sensitive, artistic persons. They need a loved one near them to tell them about their feelings.
Sea-wave (green-blue) for exhaustion. They are afraid to make an error, to leave something, to listen critics.
Grey is very bad for a future mum. They do not see anything good in the life and in the future. They feel themself isolated, morally tired. Children are silent, shy and solitary.
Brown is for those mums that feel discomfort.
Black is very rare in pregnant women. Most of them use it in the first part of the pregnancy when they are afraid of the changes or are very stressed. Children have very difficult characters.

It's a game, my dears, don't take it too seriously. But...

Friday, September 17, 2010

How do you see Youself in a mirror?

Interesting results published Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. They studied how people see themselves in mirrors. They discovered that we can't value lengh and width of the parts of our body properly. Specially it's right about women. Women see themselves wider in the mirrors.

"Women's brains ‘massively distort’ their own body image, creating a shorter figure which can be two-thirds wider than in real life" Read more: Daily Mail

So, I understood finally the matter why I don't like
so much my image in the mirror and will never look in it more!

Лики бегали - в зеркале...

An other article from the same site tells that men suffer more conflicts in their relationships than women. It's because their woman is often their only near person when women normally have great affection towards other persons like relatives, friends, too. So, dear women, we have to pumper our men more, and do not provoke "prophylactic" rows too often.

Finally, the last notice that made me smile was about New Zeland's pharmaceutists that sell synthetic urine with heating and special tubes to imitate the process if you have do it under control. All this you can need if you like alcohol or drugs but try to find job. (source)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Many years I worked as a teacher in secondary schools and had seen different psychological disorders in my pupils's behaviour but this kind of disorder (mentioned in the title) was never something significant even in those children that had problems in school.

It become a problem when I came to live with my husband and noticed that the persons are not able to concentrate attention for relatively long time here. First I thought, it's because I do not speak their language good enough, and it's difficult for them to follow my thoughts; than I noticed it's not about me but they have the same behaviour in other situations too. The only theme they follow with great attention is when they buzz about persons they know.
It is not about hyperactivity. It is about education.

When a person is educated to learn with perseverance, to listen attentively to the instructions of the parents/ teachers, to have patience and to repeat the action if failed the first time from the childhood, the problem of Attention Deficit does not exist as an illness. It can happen but it is not a mankind desease as is prersented in the articles I read.

Now, these articles open a discussion that it's an illness and you have to go to a psychologists to cure yourself or your children with the medicines.

Do you know that our skin preserves traces of all the detergents, medicines etc we use that there are creations that die only by contact with our skin?
Maybe we have to think a little before we add a new (unnecessary) medicines to the cocktail of the poisons we use in everyday life?