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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Drive Public Awareness About Skin Disease

I received a press release from October 25, 2011 about American Skin Association. It's not about the alternative medicine but this blog is here to spread the important information about the organizations that help us to remain healthy and to cure different problems, too. That is why I think this can be useful to some of my readers.

American Skin Association was founded by Dr. George W. Hambrick, a leader in the field of dermatology.  The organization's achievements include:

  • Supporting the work of over 133 exceptional young scientists with the vision, drive and dedication to find new and innovative new ways to prevent, detect and treat skin disease.

  • Committing $7.7 million to advance dermatological research - the key to earlier diagnosis, less invasive therapies and, in time, prevention and cure.

  • Providing free instruction in sun safety and skin health to 12 million children, teachers & parents through award-winning, national public school programs, such as The Wonders of Skin: Looking Good, Being Healthy and ASA's newest initiative for pre-teens and young teens - The Skin You're In.

  • Establishing a model laboratory at Weill Cornell Medical College, which today remains one of the finest research facilities of its kind.

  • Helping Americans to better understand the often devastating impact of skin disease and the skin's irreplaceable role in good health through a free hotline, publications and a Web site developed with The Rockefeller University.

  • Urging government leaders to support increased funding for research, which is today among the National Institutes of Health's lowest priorities.

For more information on American Skin Association, go to

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Do You Like Nordic Walking?

Walking is my favourite sport. I walk when I can, and can tell you with certain honour, that I can walk even better than the young tourists that come to visit Vesuvius and Pompei and ask me to be their guide. The excursion is relatively difficult. It will be enough maybe if I tell you that the visitable (excavated) area of Pompei is 44 ha and the houses to visit are situated here and there. If you add Vesuvius to this walk -not very long trait to claimb but... it's hard enough, too.

So, I laughed when I found this video about the "nordic walking". I had a blogger-friend from Norway once, I remembered him: he would laugh with me watching this video, surely.  It's a Polish version of Chinese fitness Qigong and not "nordic" :-))), don't you think?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Thoughts about Prostate Cancer

What are the most frequent cancer types?
According to the National Cancer Institute, the most frequent is Prostate Cancer. The second has to be Breast Cancer. If you do not read the sites and do not look at the lists, you can notice that these numbers are correct because people speak about THESE types of cancer that happen to their relatives and friends more frequently -even if it's so easy to control the state of own health to prevent them, today.

About a week ago, my friend wrote me about her mother that began to claim pain in the breast. When she was operated, they found cancer in the state that is unpossible to cure. WHY did she not control her breast when every mass media crys about this possibility just for years?

A cousin came to visit my husband today and told him that he, knowing that there are different cases of prostate cancer in the family, goes for controls every year now (he is about 55). Prostate cancer is so easy to diagnose when it is at the beginning! Why do not control it after 45 years?

I asked different friends if they control their health regularly. Do you know what they said me? They have not time for it. They have not time to cure themselves if they will find something. They prefere to die suddenly.
These are the results of my "survey".

We live in the modern society. There is not a shame to check the health. Everybody knows that there are breasts and there are prostates. Death from Cancer is terrible. Only animals have the fortune to be put down. Humans have to live all the terrible pains till the end. Why we do not think about it BEFORE it's too late?