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Monday, December 26, 2011

What Can Make Life Better

One of the affirmations that stroke me this year was the opinion of the persons that live in very difficult conditions like high mountains etc about us, "modern" persons. These guys are surprised that we suffer of inferiority complex even if we live good and have so many possibilities in the life in confront to those populations.

Since I'm among those irresolute, I look sometimes for the advises how to grow self-confidence. Here are exercises that can help us.

It's good to do what we like to. Often we think "What other people will say if they see me doing it" or  "I'm old and can't play/ dance/ wear like this!" Do it yourself and don't judge others doing "strange things". (well, this first is not for me: I do normally what I like).

Don't look in the mirror -normally, we judge ourselves when we look in it.

Do not compare one person to an other. Everybody of us is unique and one who has iPod is not better than an other that does not have it. There are not perfect neither ideal persons (this last is often a problem of the parents that want their children are perfect -and ruine their lives).

But the best advise is to learn something new every day. We remain young untill we are interested to study and explore new things in the life.

Do not hesitate: try it! dance, jump, run, create pictures, learn chinese language... Did you ever paint on the water? Do you think it's unpossible? Write in youtube: painting on water.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Prove: Yoga Maintains our Bodies Young!

I'm sure that you have seen videos with the guru (real guru) of yoga that demonstrate their puples what is possible to do with our bodies. There are videos of Iyengar, Krisnamacharya and others.

This video is very special not for the exercices that is able to do Swami Yogananda at 101 years. It is amazing but we expect something like this from our precious Teachers.

What is really Marvelous? Do you know? Watch this video once more. Pay attention on the state of the skin of Swami Yogananda. He is very thin, yes, but look at his muskles. Specially those under the arms. We have it flabby just at about 40 -45 years, no? And his neck?

Well, you got the idea. Yoga helps us to have young skin till advanced age. To have the skin of the neck young, too. Is it not the dream of every woman?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Depression and the Lack of the Essentials

Depression is a very hard desease. I think, you will agree with this definition. Therer is not a reason to feel bad but the life becomes impossible. You can't do anything, you don't find a place where you can forget about this state, you "sleep" all the day and don't sleep in the night. Your body shows the signs of the bad state, too. Your hairs fall like the leaves in autumn, your nails go to pieces...

Some researches proved that all this depend from the ...lack of the Vitamin D.

The problem is that it's not enough to assume vitamins in tabs. We need half an hour (at least) of exposure to the sun every day. The right form of Vit.D can be created only by sun in our bodies. We can eat handfuls of tabs every day but they don't work without sun. Unfortunatelly. 
A study of 1282 elderly residents in the Netherlands found increased depression among people whose serum levels of vitamin D were below 25 (OH), with severity of depression dramatically increased as D levels decreased.
According to the Vitamin D Council several factors impact how much D is produced: 
  • Angle of sun’s rays.  If your shadow is longer than you are tall, little vitamin D is being made.
  • Skin color.  People with fair skin have less melanin to protect against sun damage and need only 15 minutes of exposure, while those with dark skin need up to six times longer.
  • Amount of skin exposed.  Forty percent of a body’s surface should be exposed.  Torso exposure produces the most D; legs and arms a little; hands and face almost none.
  • Age slows production, taking four times longer for people over 60 and under 20.
  • Sunscreens as low as 8 block up to 95% of vitamin D production.
  • Cloud cover and air pollution can reflect or absorb UVB.
  • Glass blocks all UVB.
The way to combine sun and an other remedy to cure depression, physical exercises, is to walk at least 30 minutes every day. Specially, it's valid for aged and obese persons.

Than. There are Omega 3 fats. Those are essential for our brains, too. I don't want to repeat the things you know just. I want only to tell you about the new researches' results.
Magnetic resonance imaging has shown depressed people have stiffer cell membranes
And this essential substance we can find in natural products like Fish Oils. These do not work without sun exposion, too.
(quotes are from the books of Gracelyn Guyol  sent me in a mail by her promoter probably)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Aliments for Good Sleep

Everybody has own system to fight insomnia.Here are some of them:
One does not eat after 18:00
Other eats something before going to bed because feels bad with the empty stomach.
Somebody tryes to avoid coffee other does not drink at all.
Most use camomile or milk or honey or mix all them in a warm sweet drink...

What scientists say about it?

I found an article that -if summarized- explains what we have to avoid and what to assume before we go to bed:
Don't eat great quantities of food, much salt and peppers (all varieties)
Don't eat anything that includes great quantities of sodium: chips and crisps, stock-cubes and any tinned food.
Don't eat chocolate and don't drink coffee, tea etc.

What CAN we eat before we go to bed?
Ant food that helps to the body to produce seratonina responsible for relaxation and psychical health.
Such as:
Rise, cereals, pasta, bread, milk, vegetables and mature fruits.
The Prince of Relax is mandarine that contains many bromuri.

All this in respect of personal allergies and intollerances.