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Friday, December 14, 2012

Only 2 Exercises to Become Slim

I like to stumble different sites in internet but had not much time for it. That is why I liked to pass some time in Facebook where there are many persons but  they normally only forward photos from one to other. Now I discovered Pinterest and like to visit it: my "friends" are those who likes animals and I can to relax there looking on the nice muzzles of puppies etc.

One of my Facebook friends found me in Pinterest, too. Yesterday she added some photos about the weight loss exercises. I decided that these photos are interesting for you, too because they explain really easy to do things. Here are the photos. I think, they do not need explanations. We have only do them at least one time a day for 20 minutes, as said in the last photo.

Source: via Sandy on Pinterest

And, finally, the splendid Excercise Finder

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Looking for Affordable Health Insurance

Many persons look for affordable health insurance today. It's not only for the costs of health care that grow faster than many other expenses. The problem is that there are many options and proposals and the choice is always harder to make. Internet offers different solutions for those who needs a health insurance but  here is one site that collects all of them and gives us the possibility to take a conscious decision. contains tools for the choice of a health insurance, exactly. But the main task of it is to explain it's visitors the difficult concepts essential to understand the situation. For example, if you do not know what is "Obamacare" about, you have to read a special article where all the advantages and disadvantages of this project are clearly explained. Very useful and easy to comprehend content of the site is really it's power point.

Very important is the information about the affordable health insurance programs divided by every single state. These pages contain short explanations of the health care system of the state you are reading about and  advises to consider in every case. Than, you find the links to the official sites and can study their offers. Then, you will surely turn back to use the tool "compare and save free quotes" because this search possibility make your hard task to find your health insurance simple and easy.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Natural Diet for Irritated Intestine

Irritated Intestine is a sad reality for many thousands of persons. If not most of us. Colitis, gastritis accompany our stressed, worried and always-in-hurry life. One day we have to pass to the "next step" - rigorous diet. Nothing to do. It's impossible to live with all those medicines. Everybody understands it today.

So, what to eat?
Every non-irritating food boiled or backed.
Nothing cold.
And drinks. Fortunately, both tea and coffee are allowed. But the very best is the dog rose. Chamomile  is good, too. Nothing carbonated.
Potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, squash and beet. No cabbages -even boiled.
Boiled beef and soups with beef tea. No veal (for hormones).

"Natural medicine". Because other remedies do not work... even for short periods.

Apples - among the fruits. Those -boiled or backed. Nothing fresh.

What a terrible life!!!!!

I wanted to share my recipe of backed apples. Very easy and sweet.

Take a deep oven dish. Put there apples without their central part. You can do it with the simple knife. Cut from one and than from the other part.

Put inside what you like to eat. Quark, or marmalade or what you want.
I like raisins, little grains of hazelnuts. Just to give some more taste.

By the way. This is the knife for squashes. It's good for apples, too.

some sugar if you use acid apples

cover the oven dish...

and put it in the oven. 240°C and 10 minutes are perfect. More than 10 are good, too. The apples will open.  The rind will crack.

Friday, November 23, 2012

My Difficult Relationship With Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils (different balms etc) for healing purposes. The molecules enter in our nose, then pass directly in our brain. Our immune system responds on this "provocation" creating complicated chemical processes. That is how it works. And that is why it works much more fast than any other therapy.

It's clear that this kind of therapy was one of the first branches of medicine. Not only. From the first years of his existence, homo sapience uses balsamic substances for spiritual rituals and conservation - from foods to bodies.

Did you know that the Antic Romans were very able to create perfumes? And they made them from roses and lilies. This production was so large that it's possible to call it industry. In such excavation sites like Pompei and nearby villas were found entire plantations of flowers.

Now, you are maybe curious, why I wrote that strange title? Was it only to attract your attention? No, it's truth. I really do not support most smells and am not a good object for aromatherapy. Since I prefer alternative medicines, as you know, I would like to use essential oils for the cures. But... Nothing to do. Why? I don't know. It's an error of the Creator, I think. Or maybe, better, it's His plan, since it's difficult to think that the Creator can to have errors. :-)))

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Dzogchen Practice Meetings in Nocera Superiore

Buddhism is always popular in all the European countries and even Sud Italy that stands out of all others for it's traditionalism succumbs more and more on Buddhism's fashion. No, the persons do not look for other religions etc. They only look for the ways to survive on the difficulties of the crises. Well, what I can say you: it's always better -as for me- to change religion, for example, than to suicide, don't you think? There were really many persons who chose it from the beginning of the crisis in Italy.

This autumn I knew that there are different persons interested in Buddhism teachings in the region I live and they asked me to have courses of preparation for the spring teachings of our Master. I did not want to do it, first. I prefer to practice individually, and I did not want to be obliged to arrive at the same time every week. but than I accepted it to have a new group and the teachings in my zone.

We have to begin next week. And here is the brochure about the meditation together

There are many quotes about the Dzogchen meditation, I wrote about it in this blog, too. If you are interested to know more, you can read about it in Bonpedia, for example.

I will surely not teach anybody. I only want to have my personal meditation practice some more scheduled, not so casual as it is in the last period.

Wish me success with this courses!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Computer and Our Eyes

There is nothing new in this confirmation: if you sit all the day near your PC, your eyes become weak and your sight goes from bad to worse every day.

It's about me, too.

From my 7 years, I had always weak sight. But it stabilized at about 17 years and was -5 dioptre... till the arrival of the pc in our house. Since I have to work at pc all the day long -and you know how it is for those who works at home: we do not have breaks etc. We remain sticked to it all the day long forgetting about everything.

Now, as I just told you in my previous posts, I decided to begin my battle with the bad functioning of my body. Yes, you are right, it's normal at my age, but those persons which can control themselves have young bodies -and they are older then me. So, my dear friends, 50 years are not an excuse to be like a hippo. It's only our laziness. The body does not work so as we would like but we can help it!

So, we begin with the famous program-timer I mentioned in my previous post
Healty Eyes Timer

Now, there are simple settings that change time for work and time for exercises. I installed 25 minutes of work and 60 seconds of exercises. Now, a little window went out and said me I have to begin my break in 30 seconds. After that, a sound says me to begin the break. Honestly, 60 seconds are not enough for my exercises. I need 80 or 100 seconds. I do exercises for my belly, for eyes.

Who knows, maybe, I'll be able to show you that excellent young body, too, as my friends do this year...

By the way, if you want a program for your eyes, here (in russian) is a great system to follow: Exercises for Eyes

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Some Healthy Exercises to Do Near Computer

This year I worked with many persons who come here, in Italy for business or in vacation. All of them were so thin that it seemed to me they would be able to hide themselves behind a rod. Since I continue to add kilos day by day and there is nothing what could stop this tendency, I could not understand how is it possible to arrive at this enviable result. Than, I noticed that they were able to walk with me without any break for hours and, listening to them, I understood, they do not eat any sweeties at all. "Now, -said one mother to her boys,- you can eat an ice-cream this evening!" Oh my dear, I thought, it's terrible!!!

Well, she, this mother, is surely right. There are so many fat children today! I agree with some researchers that our passion for sugar, this constant desire to eat something sweet, became a dependence. Specially, we, women, working at the computer (which -what an odd coincidence!- is situating not too far from the pc) can't renounce on some visits in the kitchen...

Aaaahhhhh... Yes, I hate my thighs and my hanging abdomen. So, I began a new life from yesterday. Now, I have a little but very useful program installed in my pc. This program is an alarm. I installed it for 25 minutes of work and 60 seconds of break. I have a carpet here, nearby, and have a list of exercises to do in one of my sites. Fitness exercises for slim belly

From the other side, I subscribed a special psychological newsletter to fight my sugar dependence. I still did not receive any mail from this program but, I hope, they will arrive and I'll be able to tell you about them sortly. And here is one more exercise I do not have on the page I mentioned earlier.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Is it Possible to Reduce Stress?

This is the third post where I continue to reason if and how is possible to reduce stress in our lives. First of all: it's possible.

I'll tell you a story from my life.

Once, I had a very grave period particularly characterized by a constant presence of one not very good person. I knew him for years and was perfectly conscious that he would sell his own mother if somebody will give him good price. Otherwise he was nice, educated and good. I could not avoid him, so I accepted him so as he was.

Everything was good in our relation till he noticed that I was completely confused  and needed help. And he gave me his helping hand. He made me work as a volunteer and took money for my work in his pocket. He "sold" me to one man to receive favours from him (I was shocked when I understood it). Finally, he found a "good job" for me where I had to pay to work.

And, at the same time, I had different similar persons in my life. Persons who could see my state of soul and wanted to use it to earn some money.

Once I was just so tired from their behaviour that could not stand this situation. I sat and began to analyze the situations when they wanted to exploit me. It has to be something in me that I attract only this kind of persons, I thought. They feel I was helpless and they knew they have to show me how helpful they can be for me.

I took myself in hands and began to analyze the situations every day. You will not believe me, probably, but I  was able to manage it this way. And... these persons disappeared from my life after some time. ALL:

So, it's very useful
-to be aware about the problem in your life
-analyze the situations connected to the problem

Awareness helped me many times.

I understood that I can't sleep if I watch screams or horror or mistreatments. I feel bad if I listen to the News in TV. So, I avoid them just for years. I can't change anything, I only ruin my health when I watch it.

Now, if you go to read articles about the human psychology, you will notice that all I told here are the advises psychologists give us if we ask them to help.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Three reasons to Take up Yoga in 2012

If you are thinking about changing your lifestyle for the better but are unsure which activity may be the best for you, here are three reasons to give yoga a try.
Low Impact
If you are looking for a low impact workout, Yoga can improve your health and fitness and leave your body looking lean without putting unnecessary strain on your joints. Running and aerobics are all great ways to improve your fitness but they can cause wear and tear on your joints. If you are getting back into the gym due to an injury or you want something to complement your marathon training plan, Yoga is the perfect choice.
Yoga comes with many benefits but one of the biggest is the changes it can make to your posture. Yoga is all about aligning your body and when practised regularly, it can change the way you hold yourself and create a leaner, longer silhouette.
Yoga is great for those who do not have a gym membership and wish to exercise at home. You can purchase equipment such as yoga DVDs, blocks and mats online and carry out the exercises at a time to suit you. You don’t even have to set aside a whole hour to practise Yoga. You can choose a few positions and practice them for half an hour before you go to work, or wind down after a hard day at the office.
If you want to learn the art of Yoga, purchase top quality yoga clothing from

Friday, September 7, 2012

Food and Cancer

Cancer is the disease that everybody would like to avoid. Today, many scientists affirm that many types of cancer are provoked by thermophilic yeasts. Those we eat every day with bread, first of all, because the yeasts bread industry uses are THOSE yeasts, composed from all kinds of poisons - chloro etc.

I wanted to learn more about the more healthy foods. Those that can help us to avoid this "cup":Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done'

Here are two interesting information I found researching this theme:
Postmenopausal women who aren't taking hormone therapy and any adults older than 65 years should take even more—1,500 milligrams daily. But remember that the body absorbs calcium best in smaller doses (of 500 milligrams or less). So if you are taking 1,000 milligrams per day, it's best to split the dose and take it twice daily 
Data from the Women's Health Initiative, a long-term study including more than 36,000 women, showed that postmenopausal women who were not consuming adequate calcium at the start of the study but started taking 1,000 milligrams of calcium and 400 International Units of vitamin D each day were 11 percent less likely to gain weight compared with women who took placebo pills.

An other site tells about
3 food groups to begin to lower your risk of cancer. 
1. Fiber Insoluble fiber sticks to free estrogens in the gut, and sweeps them out. Whether you’re trying to shed pounds or fight cancer, you need 35 grams of fiber each day. 
2. Omega-3s Omega-3s are what’s known as essential fatty acids – essential because your body doesn’t produce them.  
3. Cruciferous Vegetables Cruciferous vegetables such as arugula, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, bok choy and kale are rich in sulforaphane – one of the primary phytochemicals (protective compounds found in plants) that helps prevent cancer.  (
 The most important ingredients in this sense are called Arugula,Watercress and red cabbage.

When I read about it, I thought about Italy. I don't think there are less cases of cancer in Italy than in other countries. But Italians eat Arugula normally. So, what is wrong with it here?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

About Skin Cancer

This summer was not only hard because of too high temperatures. I have some skin problems now. So, I decided to find some information about this kind of cancer. Here are the results of my research:

Exposure to the sun is really a leading reason for cancer, cancer of the skin being probably the most common kind of cancer. It is also probably the most avoidable types, so just make certain to become wise under the sun. Put on a hat to safeguard the face, and try to apply sun block to assist prevent cancer.

The sun's rays could be a major cancer leading to factor for most people.  The sun's rays releases ultraviolet sun rays that go into the earth's atmosphere.  Whenever we step outdoors, the skin we have is uncovered to those sun rays, and an excessive amount of exposure may cause scare tissue that can result in cancer of the skin.  Make sure to safeguard yourself with sunscreen to avoid this.

Cancer of the skin can be quite serious, even deadly.  Malignant Melanoma is really a serious kind of cancer of the skin that frequently can not be healed.  Be positive and also have the skin checked regularly from your physician or skin doctor. They might see places you cannot and look at you for suspicious moles and skin changes.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cat Therapy

We often are too tired and irritable. But if it's about the simple tiredness, some photos like this one I decided to add in this post, can change our mood. Is it not a miracle? We only look at the image with a little being. With a "puppy" -and something special happens in our soul...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Healing Benefits of a Thangka

Thangka Painting is a old fashioned art that developed between the 7th and 12th centuries in Nepal and Tibet. Displayed on cloth and placed in silk brocade, images of divinities and mandalas are more than just a a thing of beauty. Thangka is an item of faithfulness, a help to religious practice, and a base of blessings for every person who owns it.

Thangka painting is totally ruled by strict iconographic principles. From the canvas research and painting of the chosen topic, to combining and using colors, designing with gold and installing the completed work in a brocade. The creation of a thangka requires ability and attention on every phase and shows specific points the thangka painter has to know and to highlight when he works.

Benefits of a Thangka

 Thangkas are thought to generate beneficial impacts in the environment where they are exposed. Their amazing colors and forms help the mind to arise and stimulate awareness.

Their pictures activate functions of visual images and feed the heart of the persons in spite is the person a believer or not. So, looking at a thangka is by itself a beneficial action.

For those who practice meditation, meditating on such objects can help to reach an understanding of particular types of awareness a specific image is dedicated to.

One more purpose for commissioning a thangka is that they can bring good health, prosperity or long life to you. (Bon Thangkas)

How to ordine a Thangka

If you dream to have a thangka in your house, you can order it easily today. A monk, who received his diploma from the hands of one of the oldest Yungdrung Bon Masters, Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, will paint and send you a thangka you desire. Examples, prices and direct contact with the painter are on the page of my Yungdrung Bon Blog


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Anti-Oxidant and Multivitaminic Treatments

If you look at this photo, you will surely notice the young and beautiful body of the woman. If we think about the age, we will suppose that the model of the sculpture was not older than 20 years since women made early their first children and hardly is possible that the model gave birth to one.

It is surely an ideal of youth and, with it, of the best period in the life of every woman when she still has not particular worries and responsibilities.

In fact, the body of this sculpture is a Roman copy of a Greek original. But this copy was made to remain in eternity the presumed beauty and youth of a rich woman who ordered this ideal image of herself (marble was very expensive, and she had to pay a fortune for this statue).

If you look at her face, you will notice that it's the face of much more older person.

Well, as you see, nothing changed in the mentality of humans with the time that passes. Two thousand years after the death of that woman, we think so much what we have to do to remain as young as possible as long as possible. We do not order marble statues to "live" for eternity, we want to be young today. And the passwords are "Anti-Oxidants" and "Vitamins".

Do you take them for different reasons? I answer Yes. I can't live without my Multi- because I begin to "tremble" without Magnesium and Potassium first of all. Even if my diet is rich of vegetables: I like to eat salads with olive oil and balsamic vinegar of Modena. And, then, I try to buy aliments of good quality.

Here I want to publish some interesting facts I recently found in internet. Maybe, if you did not read it before, they will change something in your thoughts about the health, too.
Two large trials of antioxidants were set up...One was in Finland, where 30,000 participants at high risk of lung cancer were recruited, and randomized to receive beta-carotene, vitamin E, or both or neither. Not only were there more lung cancers among the people receiving the supposedly protective beta-carotene supplements, compared with placebo, but this vitamin group also had more deaths overall, from both lung cancer and heart disease.
 The results of the other trial were almost worse...Two groups of people at high risk of lung cancer were studied. Half were given beta-carotene and vitamin A, while the other half got placebo. 18000 participants were due to be recruited throughout its course, and the intention was that they would be followed up for an average of six years; but in fact, the trial was terminated early, because it was considered unethical to continue it. Why? The people having the antioxidant tablets were 46% more likely to die from lung cancer, and 17% more likely to die of any cause, than the people taking the placebo pills.
 Since then the placebo-controlled trial data on antioxidant vitamin supplements has continued to give negative results, The most up-to-date Cochrane reviews of the literature that antioxidant supplements are either ineffective or perhaps even actively harmful.
Most recently, a Cochrane review looked at the number of deaths, from any cause, in all the placebo-controlled randomized trials on antioxidants that have ever been performed, describing the experiences of 230,000 people in total. This showed overall that, antioxidant vitamin pills do not reduce deaths, and in fact they may increase your chance of dying.
vitamin D level: normal range is between 30 and 100 nmol/L (though readings below 50 are still not optimal for bone and overall health). (Source

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Way to Heal Negative Emotions

Goddess Sherab Chamma  is almost certainly the earliest Goddess which is even now adored widely nowadays.  She is Mother Creator of all beings, symbolizing the timeless life force that energizes allexistence, the Mother who speacks to all Her children. She is the Goddess of Mercy and Her strenght is compassion, because She understands every suffering and that is why She is an infinite source of love and compassion in the hearts of all us, humans.

 Sherab Chamma represents the women talents of patience and compassion, the capacity to survive on stressful and even horrific instances, hard moments in the eveeryday life, and is the source of support and security.

Sherab Chamma  is a sky Goddess, too. It's interesting that Dakinis, female divinities, are seen as Sky Dancers  in Tibet. What a romantic picture!

Sherab Chamma is one of the various manifestations of Bon female deity. There are different forms for every single existence event.

With this in mind, call this Goddess, recite He mantra, to assist your search if enlightenment and continue on the way forward feeling it full of brilliance and light.
It is a method to help all the creatures, too. Reciting this mantra invokes the guide of Buddhas of the six realms and their sources.

As a result their enlightened power will move off our negative emotions and positive, pure, and virtuous characteristics like love, generosity, wisdom, openness, peacefulness and compassion raise in us. Reciting this mantra allows us to be connected with them and strengthen these qualities that are present in our souls.

Help us to collect funds for Schools in Tibet and Nepal. One Euro is not a sum but if everybody of us gives some euros, we will bw able to collect a serious Sum. Buy our adesives and visit cards and sustain Good Common Cause.

Articolo 01
Adesivo Grande Lettera A Tibetana
quadrato lato 10,2 cm
euro 2,72 al pezzo
Totale 12 pezzi
La qualità di immagine si vede sulla foto (clicca per ingrandire)

More Info here

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Americans Consume Sugar

Nursing Your Sweet Tooth
Created by:

Help us to collect funds for Schools in Tibet and Nepal. One Euro is not a sum but if everybody of us gives some euros, we will bw able to collect a serious Sum. Buy our adesives and visit cards and sustain Good Common Cause.

Articolo 01
Adesivo Grande Lettera A Tibetana
quadrato lato 10,2 cm
euro 2,72 al pezzo
Totale 12 pezzi
La qualità di immagine si vede sulla foto (clicca per ingrandire)

More Info here

Sunday, July 29, 2012

"A group of the forgotten really", 55-60+ year olds

Well, the title of  this post is inspired by an interesting document I was today. It was a report about healthy and active ageing in Europe. The main idea was that the persons of this age group are "older people" but nobody among researchers, governments etc thinks and dedicate time to improve the life of this group even if they need more attention since they are in the period when more health cure can move back time.

This report was interesting for me because I take part of this group and would like to remain young as long as possible. I do not feel that I'm "older person". Maybe it's because I have many friends who are older than me. In any case, time passes for me, too, and I wanted not to stop it but to live my age independently.

Here are some quotes from this report
Employment at transition into retirement
Participation/social inclusion, including engagement in voluntary work and mental health
Life-long learning and e-inclusion
Physical activity and nutrition
Utilisation of health services and intake of medication
Carers of children and older person
So, as you can see, we are very busy persons. And this information will maybe be interesting if you did not know it (I didn't)

SEVEN is a European network of 29 organisations promoting lifelong
learning and volunteering for senior citizens. The member organisations
are local governments, NGOs, research centres and universities. The
main aim is to generate international exchange, and allow for voluntary
work and lifelong learning to benefit from a “European Wide Space”.
More information is available at:

ENOVO was created in 2005 as a new working group as part of
Volunteurope to promote older volunteering across Europe. ENOVO
works to develop new opportunities for older volunteers, exchange
good practice and open new funding opportunities and combat
ageism in volunteer agencies. It measures the impact of older
volunteering efforts

The Lifelong Learning Programme (2007-2013) aims to make lifelong
learning and mobility a reality; improve the quality and efficiency of education
and training; promote equity, social cohesion and active citizenship; and
enhance creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels
of education and training. Within the broad programme, several of the
funding streams are relevant to active ageing issues, including providing
support for teaching computer skills to older people, learning through
networks and intergenerational exchange. In particular, the Grundtvig programme aims to develop the
adult-education sector to meet the changing needs of learners taking adult education and non-mainstream
education courses.
More information about the Life Long Learning Programme is available here:
For the grundtvig programme

EUNAAPA is a network that aims to improve the health, wellbeing and
independence of older people throughout Europe by the promotion of
evidence based physical activity

More information is available at:

Here is the report if you are interested and want to read it

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Defend Against Complainers

Complainers are very popular. Many of us practice it from time to time. Others do not understand that they complain all their life unceasingly. I do not blame this behavior because it's difficult to avoid it when one feels bad. Even if little by little complaining becomes the way to live.

This is and was the theme of different researches. Complainers not only damage their own brain with continuous complains, they damage all those who lives and happens near them even if for a short time. Everybody knows the bad feeling we have near such persons. We can't help often. And they don't want to receive help. Their brain is just in that terrible state.

Once I wanted to help one girl who complained the betrayal of her husband. I felt sorry and thought, I had to listen to her. A kind of psychoanalyst gratis. Imagine, I listened to her for different months hours and hours every day from the morning - every time she could find me by phone. After it I could not continue this way and told her she had not to phone me more. Well, some days after it, one friend told me, that girl speaks everywhere bad about me...

So, I turn back to the researches. They proved that the negative thinking of other persons and continuous complaints create negative thinking and behavior in our own brains. And this is the reason why we have to avoid complainers as much as possible. 

As I wrote in my previous posts about the stress remedies, we have to avoid negativities as much as possible, first. 
Then, we have to control our reactions when something happens in our lives.
Finally, we have to create positive exposure for our brains as frequently as possible.

Шарик, не ходи туда!!! Это образное выражение!

Смотреть ещё!

Monday, July 2, 2012

How to Reduce Sterss 2

Reducing stress is not the easiest task in our lives. We use different remedies most of them are not healthy. The most popular are drinking, smocking and eating. And, since we are stressed practically every day, this behaviour becomes habit, a kind of addiction, and we have to use bigger and bigger quantities of our "medicine".

1 - I used to avoid everything that provoked states of anxiety: I did not watch TV notices and films that were full of bad notices, crys and yells, killings and horrors (and I don't do it till today before I have to go sleep).

In Italy, TV became a kind of a tool of "natural selection": there are too many persons with not stable mind -they repeat  desperate gestures they see on the screen. We had epidemic of mothers that killed their children, for example. 

2 - Very often is enough to avoid a person or an environment where you feel bad, nervous. If it's possible. And... this analysis of your life, when you are able to detect the "bad" person, will do so that other similar persons will not be attracted by you more. Because if you attract ONE of such persons, you probably attract other similar persons, too. So, it's something inside you that attracts this kind of persons.

3 - Other reason of stress are too many tasks. It's enough sometimes to make a list and to cancel some of them. Or to find your personal way to solve the problem. What do you do when you have too many plates to wash? Or too many things to iron? What is your personal way to manage this situation?

So, we discover that it's often our perception and not external conditions that provoke stress in our life. And analysis is often just enough to show to our brain the way to turn calm and happy.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Reduce Stress Analyzing Your Life

"Reduce Stress" are the keywords of different newsletters I received this week. It was a surprise for me since I thought that this theme is more appropriate for "cold" seasons. Now, when all the persons go on the beach and pass all the free time swimming and spoiling themselves with sunbathes, stress is really the last thing to think about. These were the arguments I had. But those who send me all those newsletters think differently, as it's possible to deduce.

Well, I decided to try benefits from this stream of "stress-reducing" information and write a kind of summary to have these remedies always available in my blog.

First of all, we have to find real sources that provoke stress and it means that we have to analyze our behaviour when we feel we are stressed.

I began to cry when my ... did something wrong.
Was it the real source of my anger? No, I was just nervous.
Why was I so nervous? Because I was offended.
Why was I offended? Because the neighbour said I look terribly this morning.
Why said she so to me? Because she is always happy to make me suffer.
Why so? Because she has terrible husband who treats her very bad. She suffers and wants to make suffer others to balance the energies.

It's very sad that we can't stand these persons and continue the chain of malice shifting the negative energies we received from others to those who is weaker than we are. In this case making suffer our children, husbands, friends.

What is interesting in this situation: we do not understand often that we continue the behaviour of those persons that try to offence us.

And, believe me, I've just used this method with food allergies and stress, such analyze can solve the problem.

:-))) My husband learned it immediately and does not worry if he knows that the source of my stressed behaviour is not he. In case I am not tolerable, he says me something like this: Do you think still about that person? My mind turns back from the abyss of the resentment and I can have normal reactions.

As Buddhism teaches, it's important to become aware about our state. It's the first step on the way to convalescence.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

What Actually Works if We Want to Reduce Stress?

Do you have your favorite remedy to reduce stress? I'll try to guess... Ice-cream or a bag of potato chips? And, since we feel or are stressed every day, we abuse them so that it's possible to define this excessive use sugar and fat addiction and put them in the same row with drug and alcohol addictions (I wrote about it in my previous post sugar addiction).


Unfortunately, it's not the best way to treat the stress.

Here is the approximate list of the more healthy solutions:

It's difficult to sleep when we are stressed but if you sleep 7-8 hours per night you become more happy person. At place of the classic sheeps, create a mala for you and count your breath or mantras concentrating your attention on the beads of your mala. This behaviour can become "addiction" but it really works perfectly to calm your mind and to have more calm sleep.


Next is clearly a healthy diet. It's not so bad to eat only salads every day in summer, you know...


And, finally, cultivate your favorite active hobbies. Something you do with great pleasure.


Monday, June 4, 2012

Negative Energies in Your Life -Clean Them!

Do you believe in evil eye and other ways to hurt you with negative energies? As a modern person, I do not believe in all this things. But... Sometimes the events of the life are so that you begin to think something is really true in all it. And... maybe go to the "specialists" who are simple charlatans. Often. Very often. In Italy, there were different great scandals in the last period when false magicians were discovered. Unfortunately, they had enough time to damage persons who looked for help. They asked always bigger and bigger sums to continue their "treatments" and threatened their clients when they wanted to close with that "help".

But the negative energies are real and they can damage us.

Once I had a very hard period in my life. It seemed, all the forces of the world are against me. I had an impression that I FEEL the air of negativity around me...

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I asked my grandy what can I do to cleanse all this negativity? She answered: wash all your flatware in salted water.

I remembered this story when I read an article about negative energies cleansing that I received in a mail today. There was an advice to clean them with salt, too. The method, described there, is to wash yourself in a bath with sea salt dissolved in the water and think all the negativities go away with the water when you open the plug.

An other advice is to use medical herbs basil, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, sage and/or cinnamon in anny way you like: infusion, incense or bath.

Burn juniper, sage, lavender or thyme.

But the most simple way is, maybe, always the way of salt. Put it in a cup or in a plate and leave it in the room you want to purify at least one our before you have to stay in it.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sugar Addiction

There is something wrong in our lifestyle if most persons in our culture are obese. Italy was still normal till some years ago but suffers obesity now, too. It's terrible to see entire classes of buys and girls who at the age of 13 years are 100 kg heavy. Suffers... Maybe, suffer is not the right word. In any case, the problem is known to everybody and I've just wrote about it many times in this blog.

What is relatively new in the notice I read this morning is the classification of the problem "I love sweeties and can't renounce on them" as sugar addiction and it's positioning in the same row with drug addiction and alcohol addiction. With -as conseguence- necessity of psychical therapies. These therapies are so effective (they say) that can cure you in only one working day.

I do not understand: why is this problem still so important???? We are only some milliards.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Building Your Home Gym

Between gas prices, membership fees, travel time, waiting in line to use equipment and, ugh, sharing showers with strangers, going to the gym is quickly becoming more of a hassle than it's worth. It takes so much time out of your day and costs extra money for what, because it has a nice atmosphere? Building a home gym or workout space will give you back the freedom and time during your day to fit fitness flexibly into your schedule while saving you money in the long run. No more rubbing elbows with sweaty, stinky people when you can relax in the comfort of your own home and achieve the same results.

 The first things you should look into purchasing are the ones you will have trouble maintaining your healthy workout without. That doesn't mean you have to scan the papers for boxing bags for sale before anything else, you just have to set aside some time later to look for things like boxing bags if they're essential to your workout. Look for natural things in your home that can save you money as well. Skip the stair stepper machine if you actually have stairs in your home. Skip free weights or medicine balls if you happen to own a couple of old bowling balls (which can likely be found at a garage sale cheaper than you could find them in a store).

The most important part of building your home exercise space is the space itself. You want it to be somewhere that you can relax and stretch before and after your workout. If space allows, bring in some mats and work out a home yoga routine. In your personal gym, you call the shots about what stays and goes. Stop paying for services you don't need and tailor your home workout to your needs without wasting money on traditional gyms.

Sinus Congestion and Natural Medicines

Are you affected with allergie and can't breath more? If it can be useful for you, know that there are millions of persons suffering the same problem. Who knows, why is it so widespread in our times? I discussed it with my friends and many of them think, it's the conseguence of the chemical substances in our food and in all the activities of our life.

Well, I think, nobody can answer this question but the quantity of allergies seems to confirm this supposition.

I collected some remedies to cure sinusite and want to write about them here.

Most use steam baths for these treatments.
They add Eucalyptus Oil drops into the bowl (8). Others use boiled potatoes vapors. Effective is onion skin (I continue about the steam baths).

ОтварI experiment with ginger juice. I grate it, squeeze the juice, add water and drop it in the nostrils. There is nothing  pleasant but it's effective. Don't try it with children.

Very effective are branches of raspberries. Boil them and drink the infusion.

An other device you can use is neti pot. I wrote about it in this blog some time ago.

And try to avoid pasta and bread that help our organism to create mucus.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Essentials of the printing process

When you venture into any industry, most people try as much as possible to be well informed. When you have the correct information, it is usually very easy to make a decision. Many people who have printers in their homes or offices do not have even the slightest idea on what is important and what is not. Most of them would end up stranded if they were tasked with the issue of replacing the cartridge. The bigger number does not even know what printers use of the printing process. The most significant part of the printer is the cartridge or the toner. The quality of your work is determined by the type of cartridge that you use. If you stick to quality cartridges like the ce278a, you will never go wrong. Many people that keep on incurring the costs of repairing their printers should check the type of cartridge that they use. The use of a wrong cartridge or toner in your printer would be a costly mistake. A good toner will accrue so many benefits to the user with the main benefits being quality printed work as well protecting the printer from any form of damage. Unfortunately most people do not have this essential information and they end up spending so much money in buying new printers as well as repairing them. There are those who assume that any type of ink will perform the required task. This is not true since most printers have their model numbers and there is a specific ink that should be used. You do not expect a canon toner to function with a HP printer since they are not compatible. You would need to find the right toner that matches a specific model of printer to ensure that you do not encounter any problems in the future.

Monday, May 7, 2012

TENRYU-JI Temple in Japan (Zen)

Tenryu-ji temple, located in Kyoto, in Japan, is one of the major Japanese Zen temples and UNESCO World Heritage Site known for it's gardens.

The photo is from the main page of the temple's site and I was really touched (after two ritrits I finished just some days ago) reading the quotation posted there on the main page and the invitation to visit it (temple) for practices. Here is the quotation:
"Our existence here and now is not due to our own force, but to the force, blessing and support of all around us.
This is not only true for ourselves.  Mountains, trees, and birds — all beings exist accordingly." Sakai Tokugen
For those who practice Zen could be interesting the invitation: it's possible to come in the temple and live some time there. There are periods of normal practices and intence periods. I don't have the intention to describe it here -you can read everything in the site. I wanted only to pass the notice about such a great opportunity for those who can allow it.

Friday, May 4, 2012

How Chinese Herbs Aid With Cancer Treatments

This article I received in the mail today and thought, it could be  interesting for those who reads this blog. So, I copy it here.

Cancer treatments can be crucial when it comes to saving lives, but the medications and regimens can be very damaging to the body. Both radiation and chemotherapy target cancerous cells, and through the process of eliminating those bad cells, they can also weaken and kill healthy cells as well. Dr. Edward Lamadrid, Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) believes that acupuncture and Chinese herbs used in conjunction with cancer treatments can not only aid in the effectiveness of the drugs, but help reduce the side effects as well.

“While people should not rely solely on Chinese herbs and acupuncture when it comes to treating cancer, these types of ancient Eastern remedies used in conjunction with Western medicine can not only reduce the side effects, but it can make cancer drugs like tamoxifen work more effectively,” notes Dr. Lamadrid.

Before and During Treatment:
Acupuncture and various Chinese herbs can be used to detoxify the body. This allows the chemotherapy drugs that are used to be more effective at ridding the body of cancerous cells. Using herbs during treatments can help patients retain necessary vitamins and nutrients that fight infection and promote wellness, which can help to boost your health before, during and after treatment. Acupuncture has been known to move energy and blood throughout the body, and since blood helps to move medication throughout the body, it is imperative that the circulatory system is working to the best of its ability. Acupuncture simply aids in that natural process.

After Treatment:
The side effects from chemotherapy and radiation can sometimes be as difficult, if not more, than the treatments themselves. The drug tamoxifen has been known to induce early signs of menopause, and hot flashes and insomnia are very common effects of this drug. Acupuncture has been known to ease the onslaught of hot flashes as well as aid in promoting a healthy sleep cycle. Some other side effects of chemo and radiation can be nausea and loss of appetite/upset stomach. Chinese herbs and acupuncture also aid in reducing the effects of nausea and can settle patient’s stomach pains.

About Dr. Edward Lamadrid: He is a doctor of acupuncture and oriental medicine (DAOM) and the founder of Integrative Health Studio in downtown Chicago. Dr. Lamadrid is a pioneer who has devoted over three decades to studying all forms of complementary and alternative medicine. His practice is located in downtown Chicago. He is also the campus director and professor at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Exercise For Creativity

New studies are showing that in addition to its tremendous physical health benefits, including weight loss, cardiovascular health, and muscle toning, exercise also benefits the mind and emotional health. This comes in the form of reduced anxiety, better coping mechanisms, and even enhanced creativity. It's this last one that should come as a bit of a surprise, as previously exercise was not linked much to art production or creativity. 
Now scientists and medical experts are saying that as little as thirty minutes of exercise can greatly enhance your creative powers. I've encountered the same truth in my life, to the point where I rely on physical exercise in order to jump start my creative powers. Here are a few exercise regimen that could work for you:
Hot yoga—I'm a big fan of hot yoga, specifically Bikram yoga, because it's a unique form of yoga that actually counts as a cardiovascular health regimen. It's rigorous, meditative, and I've even found myself coming with ideas for projects during class. If you're looking for a way to tone your muscles, oxygenate your body, flush new blood in your veins, and get your mind's circuitry electrifying itself, try out some hot yoga.
Midday session—Sometimes you don't have time for a full-blown exercise session but you still want and need the high that exercise affords. I found this great treadclimber that I use to squeeze in wonderful 30 minute exercise sessions that keep me primed for the rest of my day.
Morning walk—If you're like me and you love the morning air, taking a nice brisk walk when you first wake up is an excellent way to get those seratonin levels roaring and ready to go for the day. Even just a half hour can give you the workout you need for the rest of your day.
Everyone has their favorite form of exercise. If you don't, you're probably not exercising enough. The glory of exercise is that not only is it good for your body, it's good for your mind—emotionally and creatively. For artists struggling with their productivity levels, I can't recommend enough adhering to an exercise regimen that fits into your daily routine.
Not only should you feel your creative juices flowing more rapidly, you'll be increasing the likelihood that you're around on this Earthbeing creative for longer.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dalai Lama -Templeton Prizes' Winner

The Dalai Lama was announced as the 2012 Templeton Laureate last month in recognition of his long-standing engagement with multiple dimensions of science and with people far beyond his own religious traditions, which has made him an incomparable global voice for universal ethics, nonviolence, and harmony among world religions.

Videos of His Holiness speaking on key issues including his call for humanity to embrace compassion as a path to peace, both personally and on a global scale, can also be viewed now at

“You can develop genuine sense of concern of well-being of others, including your enemy,” he states in one video.  “That kind of compassion – unbiased, unlimited – needs training, awareness.”

The Templeton Prize, valued at £1.1 million (about $1.7 million or €1.3 million), is the world's largest annual monetary award given to an individual and honors a living person who has made exceptional contributions to affirming life’s spiritual dimension.

Many thanks in advance for your consideration.

All the best,

Don Lehr
Donald Lehr
Media Relations and Public Affairs Consultant for the Templeton Prize
The Nolan/Lehr Group, Inc.

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Informational Marvels about Health Maintainance

It's unpossible to ignore it more: even the most far from all-media news know that the ideas about what is good and what is bad for our health change every day. All our lives, we knew that coffee is not very good for health. One day we wake up and listen that last research proved coffee is very good if we drink it one cup a day. A month or two later is published a notice about the results of an other research that tells us once more: coffee is very dangerous for health. And this pendulum continue in time for this and most other aliments. An other example: All the life, we know that cholesterol is bad and we have to eat only foods without fat -one day we wake up and hear that fat, animal fat, is good because we would not live without it since it's essential for metabolism.

Now, if we speak about fatless products, the search for truth becomes absolutely shocking: the fatless aliments are time bombs. We like, we are addicted to fats and sugar. If there are not fats or sugars in the aliments, they do not taste to us. This is the reason, the fatless aliments are so dangerous: industry adds all kinds of chemical chemicals to make fatless aliments tasty. And that is why the doctors say, it's better to buy alimnents with less quantity of fat than those fatless.

Most of us have to look for right ways to maintain our bodies healthy. In this blog I try to collect advises about these ways. And I look for the news from the research institutes, too.To find them I search different media etc. But in the last period I have the impression that thre is not a word of truth in all these notices. I agree that the science changes every day but I can't explain the contrary opinions that go out with this speed. The only rational explanation is the competition.

Tell it me if I'm not right.