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Friday, January 27, 2012

Depression -Strange Causes

Старость = одиночество
Depression is a bad beast. There are many causes of this terrible emotional state: from genetic problems to the deficiency of the vitamins (and this last is very common). But there are different modern causes of depression, too. Here are some of them.

First of the modern causes -and it's possible that you will not believe me but it's the fact proved by many researches taken in different countries. This cause is the dipendence from the social networks. Specially hard is the situation for the children that have nervous breakdown because they have to maintain their "status" not only in the school but online, too.

Second modern cause is Internet generally. Too many hours passed for the computer provokes the depression. Specially, if the person tryes to escape the problems of the real life there.

Next cause is the personal need of sleep hours. Everybody has own internal clock, and if you have to sleep 7 hours but you sleep effectively 6 hours, it will cause the depression.

Procrastination puts you in a bad situation. You have to solve the problem but are not sure how to do it, you accumulate the tasks and feel bad that provokes depression. That provokes procrastination. Etc without stop.

Did you know that the life in a city is the cause of depression? Yes, you do. But you do not know the reason, maybe. It's the solitude in the crowd of the persons.

Photo «Старость = одиночество» на Яндекс.Фотках

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Kidney and Bladder Stones

Kidney and Bladder stones are bad illnesses.
Not only they provoke pains and different problems, they can create necrosis in the places they lean on. This is why is so urgent to undergo the operation and remove the stone or the stones.

We live in the happy times when such operations are not invasive, and you don't need to be afraid. Only 3 little holes in the skin -and they_ holes, disappear after one month.

Bladder stones are removed with only local anaesthetic, and you can go home just after 2 days or in some cases after some hours.

We all have stones, I think. They appear because of wrong metabolism that everybody suffers after ..-ty years. Important is that you control your health and notice the presence of the stones before they can damage you.
On the photo are pieces of a Bladder stone

Saturday, January 14, 2012

News about Alzheimer Desease and Addictions

I dedicated some time to the news and feed readers today and here are the notices I fished there.

First and maybe most important notice is that it's possible to diagnose very early the Alzheimer desease, precisely. Scientists from Darmstadt discovered a protein that settles on the mucous of the nose. All the persons with different degrees of Alzheimer had this protein in their noses. Let's say it: we all are afraid to develop aging illnesses such as Alzheimer desease and other aging problems. That is why all the notices about new results of the researches seem so interesting to me.

The other notice is about the brains of the young persons that developed dependence from Internet. Chinese scientists discovered that these persons have the same brain malfunctions as the drug addicted. The affected parts are emotions, selfcontrol and capacity to take decisions.

By the way. If  you have solid nervous system, you can watch these two documentaries about the surgery departments of the hospitals that cure drug addicted after they assume Desomorphin. The films are in Russian but you do not need translation to understand the images.
And the images are really violent.

The problem with this medicine is that it causes necrosis of the parts that are far from the place where it was injected. The second film -if you will be able to watch it- shows the man and the woman during the first visit and the second after 2,5 weeks and some months.

ATTENTION! Very HARD documentaries!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Eight Medicine Buddha with Tibetan Elements and Chakras

A very important ritrit open for everybody who wants to assist it takes place in Perugia, Italy on March 24,25.
The Sangye Menlha transmission is revered as one of the most powerful blessings for healing. In this two-day workshop Geshe Chongtul Rinpoche will present an introduction to the complex art of Tibetan Medicine and will give the Sangye Menlha empowerment.
The retreat is open to everyone. There are no pre-requisites. Participants will learn about the energy body, chakras, and practices to generate Menlha energy. The Sangye Menlha practice brings a deep connection with the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space),  which are the energetic undercurrent that form and affect the physical world, including our own bodies. The ancient Tibetan practice of Sangye Menlha is one of many techniques that can help us awaken our innate healing powers. This is a powerful healing practice for harmonizing imbalances as well as purifying negative karma and past deeds. It is not only an extremely potent practice for individuals, but also offers assistance to those who are dying or have already passed. Source:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Effective Anti-Inflammatory Herb

Herbal rimedies are not always seen as something very useful. Maybe it's because many herbs and plants do not have immediate results. They need time to begin their work.

For example, you have to wait about 7 days to see the results of lime-blossom tea -it does not work immediately.

From other side, many plants store their main elements in the body and it can create problems with the excessive dosage. This is very dangerous in case you use toxic plant like Chelidonium majus. But not-toxic plants can provoke different problems for the same reason. This is the case of Lapacho (you can read about it in my previous posts about this plant)

Today, I want to tell you about a very effective Anti-Inflammatory Herb -Harpagophytum procumbens (photo from Wikipedia).
Cholecyst, urinary bladder, liver, kidneys, prostate can benefit if you use this plant. Not only. In Europe, it is  used for arthritis and joint deseasis. The effects are antispasmodic and painkilling. These last I can't prove personally but the Anti-Inflammatory action we observed in different cases like urinary bladder and prostate problems.