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Friday, September 21, 2012

Is it Possible to Reduce Stress?

This is the third post where I continue to reason if and how is possible to reduce stress in our lives. First of all: it's possible.

I'll tell you a story from my life.

Once, I had a very grave period particularly characterized by a constant presence of one not very good person. I knew him for years and was perfectly conscious that he would sell his own mother if somebody will give him good price. Otherwise he was nice, educated and good. I could not avoid him, so I accepted him so as he was.

Everything was good in our relation till he noticed that I was completely confused  and needed help. And he gave me his helping hand. He made me work as a volunteer and took money for my work in his pocket. He "sold" me to one man to receive favours from him (I was shocked when I understood it). Finally, he found a "good job" for me where I had to pay to work.

And, at the same time, I had different similar persons in my life. Persons who could see my state of soul and wanted to use it to earn some money.

Once I was just so tired from their behaviour that could not stand this situation. I sat and began to analyze the situations when they wanted to exploit me. It has to be something in me that I attract only this kind of persons, I thought. They feel I was helpless and they knew they have to show me how helpful they can be for me.

I took myself in hands and began to analyze the situations every day. You will not believe me, probably, but I  was able to manage it this way. And... these persons disappeared from my life after some time. ALL:

So, it's very useful
-to be aware about the problem in your life
-analyze the situations connected to the problem

Awareness helped me many times.

I understood that I can't sleep if I watch screams or horror or mistreatments. I feel bad if I listen to the News in TV. So, I avoid them just for years. I can't change anything, I only ruin my health when I watch it.

Now, if you go to read articles about the human psychology, you will notice that all I told here are the advises psychologists give us if we ask them to help.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Three reasons to Take up Yoga in 2012

If you are thinking about changing your lifestyle for the better but are unsure which activity may be the best for you, here are three reasons to give yoga a try.
Low Impact
If you are looking for a low impact workout, Yoga can improve your health and fitness and leave your body looking lean without putting unnecessary strain on your joints. Running and aerobics are all great ways to improve your fitness but they can cause wear and tear on your joints. If you are getting back into the gym due to an injury or you want something to complement your marathon training plan, Yoga is the perfect choice.
Yoga comes with many benefits but one of the biggest is the changes it can make to your posture. Yoga is all about aligning your body and when practised regularly, it can change the way you hold yourself and create a leaner, longer silhouette.
Yoga is great for those who do not have a gym membership and wish to exercise at home. You can purchase equipment such as yoga DVDs, blocks and mats online and carry out the exercises at a time to suit you. You don’t even have to set aside a whole hour to practise Yoga. You can choose a few positions and practice them for half an hour before you go to work, or wind down after a hard day at the office.
If you want to learn the art of Yoga, purchase top quality yoga clothing from

Friday, September 7, 2012

Food and Cancer

Cancer is the disease that everybody would like to avoid. Today, many scientists affirm that many types of cancer are provoked by thermophilic yeasts. Those we eat every day with bread, first of all, because the yeasts bread industry uses are THOSE yeasts, composed from all kinds of poisons - chloro etc.

I wanted to learn more about the more healthy foods. Those that can help us to avoid this "cup":Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done'

Here are two interesting information I found researching this theme:
Postmenopausal women who aren't taking hormone therapy and any adults older than 65 years should take even more—1,500 milligrams daily. But remember that the body absorbs calcium best in smaller doses (of 500 milligrams or less). So if you are taking 1,000 milligrams per day, it's best to split the dose and take it twice daily 
Data from the Women's Health Initiative, a long-term study including more than 36,000 women, showed that postmenopausal women who were not consuming adequate calcium at the start of the study but started taking 1,000 milligrams of calcium and 400 International Units of vitamin D each day were 11 percent less likely to gain weight compared with women who took placebo pills.

An other site tells about
3 food groups to begin to lower your risk of cancer. 
1. Fiber Insoluble fiber sticks to free estrogens in the gut, and sweeps them out. Whether you’re trying to shed pounds or fight cancer, you need 35 grams of fiber each day. 
2. Omega-3s Omega-3s are what’s known as essential fatty acids – essential because your body doesn’t produce them.  
3. Cruciferous Vegetables Cruciferous vegetables such as arugula, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, bok choy and kale are rich in sulforaphane – one of the primary phytochemicals (protective compounds found in plants) that helps prevent cancer.  (
 The most important ingredients in this sense are called Arugula,Watercress and red cabbage.

When I read about it, I thought about Italy. I don't think there are less cases of cancer in Italy than in other countries. But Italians eat Arugula normally. So, what is wrong with it here?